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W.D. Frazee Sermons

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A Body Thou Prepared Me (1054) 5-1-1957

Jesus not only died for our sins, He lived a perfect life in a human body. The blood symbolizes the life. Since Jesus lived a perfect life, His perfection is accounted to us when His blood is applied to our account. Also, He works in our human bodies to bring out the same righteousness that He worked out in His own body.

A Change From Change (1359) 12-22-1967
The Bible says that the Athenians spent their time on nothing else but to tell or hear some new thing. Not many Athenians accepted Paul’s preaching.  That is a common defect of humanity, the continual craving for change, for something new and exciting.  Jesus offers us the stability that comes from knowing His changeless character.  He offers us a change from the human craving for change.

A Christmas Gift for Jesus (0478) 12-14-1968
On our birthdays, we receive gifts. For this Christmas, Jesus wants the gift of our hearts.

A Clean Church (1065) 4-8-1960
In order to have a clean universe, there must be a clean church. To have a clean church, we the individuals must overcome sin. As Heaven was purged of evil angels, so the church will be cleansed of sinners.

A Clean Universe (1174)
God will one day have a clean universe, but that day can never come until He has a clean church.  And He can never have a clean church until He has clean individuals to compose His church.

A Happy New Year for God (0503) 12-31-1976
When we think about a new year, we think about how the next year will affect us. This sermon deals with focusing on how to please God for the new year.

A Holy War (0067) 10-29-1971
The issue is loyalty to God’s standards. Are you a “fifth columnist”? Do creature comforts mean more to you than winning the war?

A Place for You (0749) 11-12-1982
God called Moses to lead Israel out of Egypt; yet at the beginning, and all the way through the Exodus, no one seemed to understand Moses. So with Paul. In his last trial, he said that all forsook him. So with Ellen White. She said that none could understand the burden on her heart for the church. So with us. God wants us to have an experience all alone with Him that no one else can understand but the soul and God.

A Time to Speak (0832) 4-12-1957
Elder Frazee gives a sample of 10 times that we should speak and not keep silent. These include: confession of sin, praise to God, rebuke of evil, testimonies of God’s goodness at church gatherings, telling the truth if we are a witness to a crime, and more.

ABCs of Liberty (0713) 2-22-1958
To be truly free from the slavery of the world and sin, God gives us the ABCs of liberty – ­Agriculture and country living can free us from the slavery of dependence on the worldly system of debt and creditors. The Bible can free us from the slavery of false teachers and false doctrines. An individual Conscience frees us from the slavery of letting other people be conscience for us (or us trying to be the conscience of others).

Able to Keep (0174) 4-5-1978
God is able to keep only what we commit to Him. He will not grab anything from our hands. If we commit our security to Jesus, we need not ever worry whether we live or die because that is His business not ours. Also our health, success, money and all we have can only be secure if it is first committed to Jesus.

Acceptance of Authority (0939) 3-15-1963
We come to Jesus by faith in His blood. The Bible tells us, though, that it is the law that is schoolmaster that brings us to Christ. So, in order to experience coming to Jesus by faith, we must accept the authority of God as is revealed in the law.

Accredited (0620) 3-27-1970
We want all that we do to be accredited by heaven though it may not have any recognition in this world. Conversely, we are not to seek out the world’s accreditation if it conflicts with heaven’s standards.

Acts of the Holy Spirit (1028) 12-16-1966
The book of Acts is about the acts of the Holy Spirit more than the acts of the apostles.  There are three “P”s that summarize this action-packed book of the Bible: “prayer”, “power” and “persecution”.  It was prayer that brought power, and the power brought persecution which lead to more prayer.

Adding and Subtracting (0728) Date N/A
As we mature in age, we are to add certain things like new habits and skills that were not possible when we were babies. Also, we should subtract things as we get older like dependence on others, crying for things we need, etc. So, as we grow spiritually, there are constantly things to add and subtract from our experience. This is a great sermon for youth.

Admit – Submit – Commit (0011) Date N/A 
Life is a preparatory school for the higher school. Three lessons need to be learned before we graduate to the higher grades either through death or translation ― admit, submit, and commit.

Advent Movement Survey 1- 20 Download Part 1,    Part 1, PDF (1386-1405) December 1961 – May 1962
20 studies covering the outstanding events in the history of the SDA movement, including the disappointment, the health message, education, the 1888 Minneapolis conference, A.T. Jones, and self-supporting work.
1. The Disapointment
2. Shut and Open Door
3. The Foundation of Our Faith
4. Organization
5. Health Message
6. Dress Reform, with Helen Frazee
7. Education
8. Education, Continued
9. The 1882 Crisis
10. The 1888 Conference
11. Imputed Righteousness
12. Imparted Righteousness
13. Fanaticism and Fear of Fanaticism
14. The Loud Cry Accepted and Rejected
15. A.T. Jones
16. Avondale
17. Medical Missionary Evangelism
18. Glendale, Paradise Valley, Loma Linda
19. Self-supporting Work-Madison
20. Review-Wildwood

Affliction Worketh for Us (0840) 2-26-1960
God has hired affliction to work for us. We may not choose to hire him, but God has hired him for our sakes.

Agriculture (0302) 3-11-1977 
We can learn lessons from agriculture to aid us in perfecting a Christian character.

Aims and Goals (1472)
Elder Frazee discusses the aims, goals, and benefits of the Wildwood program.  Elders William Boykin and Steve Cook present testimonies of local evangelism.  There is a strong appeal throughout for Wildwood to be active in outreach.

Alabama & Mississippi Campmeeting 1-4 (0992-0995) June 1968
One of the shortest series on the sanctuary, this series covers in brief the ground that is typically covered in his sanctuary series: The whole point of the sanctuary, to solve the sin problem so God can be reunited with His lost children.

Alamisco (1975)

Alamisco (1981) 1-6 (1609-1614) 1981
Six studies given to a group of leading self-supporting workers during a spiritual retreat
1. He Taketh Away The Sin
2. E.G. White Defense
3. Atonement
4. The Sacrifice of Jesus
5. Cleansing the Temple
6. Unity and Cooperation

All Taught of God (0645) Date N/A
God has a place for counselors and teachers, but their role is to lead us to God and to help us find what He says about a topic. The system that teaches that we must have human guides who go between God and us (that we cannot approach God directly for guidance) is an apostate system. We all have the privilege of going directly to God and getting specific instructions of what He wants us to do despite whatever He may want others to do.

All the Way (0576) Date N/A
Jesus came all the way from where He was to where we are ― “outside the camp” ― so we can go all the way to where He is, in the Most Holy Place, to share His throne. This will make it a privilege to give up things.

All Things Come of Thee (0147) 3-14-1975 
Our money, strength, repentance, faith, and even love come from God. There is no place for pride or worry when we return what we have received.

All To Be Teachers (0281) 7-12-1974
Jesus longs to teach everybody and, in turn, He longs for all to become teachers. We will be both learner and teacher as long as life shall last.

All We Need We Have 1,2 (1119, 1120) October 1972
Jesus’ self-supporting company learned that God could supply every need: first the needs of others, then their own. We must work with what we have.

Alone, Yet Not Alone (0309) 5-6-1977
There is a room in each heart where no one knows what goes on but Jesus. As we cherish time spent all alone with Jesus, we will be prepared to be tried for Him and to stand alone, but not alone.

Altar of Sacrifice (0721) 7-30-1965
In the Bible Sanctuary service, the sacrifice was tied to the altar to prevent its escaping. So God wants to tie us to the cross of self-denial and service with the cords of love so that we will remain where God sends us when the knife of trials starts to cut.

Am Debtor (0963) 8-5-1966
We are indebted to God for all we are and all we have. And we are indebted to everyone else that has less than we do ― less money, talents, spiritual truth, etc. The more we have, the more we are in debt. Our lives are to be spent paying off these debts.

An Easy Yoke (1473)
If the yoke that you are bearing right now is hard, you can be guaranteed that it is not Christ’s yoke for He promises that it is easy.  The reason so many find Christ’s yoke hard is that they attempt to carry it along with all their other yokes.

An Experience (0831) 3-17-1957
We cannot depend on the experiences of others to guide us and get us through the hard times. The only way we will be able to make it to Heaven is by obtaining a personal experience with God in assurance of salvation, in facing death and dealing with life and more.

Anoint Three (0897) 3-12-1982
Elijah was told to anoint Hazel, Jehu, and Elisha to deal with Israel’s apostasy. This sermon applies to what the work of these three men represents today ― the three classes of people that try to bring reform to modern Israel.

Any Graven Image 1-2 (1474) March 1970
There is more to this commandment than making of idols like they did in the old testament.  We can make graven images in our minds through our concepts of God and theology.  Many are guilty of idolatry today by failing to grow in their conception of God and by clinging to fine-spun theories.

Appeal for Baptism (0916) 5-11-1962
Elder Frazee personally addresses a group of candidates and appeals for baptism.  An excellent example of how to make baptismal appeals.

Are Filters the Answer? (0692) 1-31-1964
We need more than a filter for the things that are bad; we must be cured of sin entirely.

Are You a Teacher? (0195) 12-30-1955
All should be teachers. The work you are doing you are to teach to others, and teaching should result in souls saved.

Are You Covered? (1089) 9-25-1964
Are you covered with the blood of Christ? Have you confessed your sins? Or, are you trying to cover your sins with your excuses, evasions, secrecies, etc? You cannot be covered with both.

Are You Enjoying Reform? (1331) 1-17-1964
God did not give us reforms to make us miserable but to make us happy. Gloomy reformers do more damage to reform than do all the taunting of anti-reformers.

Are You in God’s Place? (0748) 11-5-1982
“Why am I here?  Because I love Jesus.  Why am I doing a particular work?  Because I love Jesus.  This is the real key to happiness.  No place can make you happy.  No program can make you happy.  No principles of themselves can make you happy; they never were intended to.  It is Jesus that makes you happy.  To have fellowship with Him is joy and you know it is true.”

Are You Overloaded? (0408) 7-21-1972
Don’t feel cheated, guilty, or frustrated because you can’t juggle a dozen different things. Ask daily for wisdom to “turn away a thousand topics that invite attention” and do “this one thing.”

Are You Willing to Be Little? (0203) 9-11-1954 
These were willing to be little ― John the Baptist, Gideon, Elijah, Moody, Sr. Kenny, and the “little company standing in the light.”

Arise, Shine (0618) 10-4-1969
We are to arise and let the light of God’s unselfish love shine through us. This unselfishness will be manifested in how we handle money and how satisfied we are with the positions that God assigns to us.

As a Thief – Watch – Be Ready (1038) 11-13-1954
Christ will come as a thief–expectantly. So the only way to know how to prepare for someone who is coming expectantly is to be ready and watch at all times.

As The Garden (0348) 7-24-1976  
As the garden grows, so does our righteousness. Religion won’t grow a spiritual garden any more than lectures on gardening will grow a cabbage. Faith and action are both needed.

Assassination of the President (0684) 12-6-1963
Just after President Kennedy’s assassination, Elder Frazee conducted this service with a sense of sympathy and respect. He used the opportunity to bring out the lesson of how we can assassinate each other with our tongues and how that can be just as wicked as the assassination of the president.

Association (0622) 3-27-1972
An appeal to holy standards of association between the sexes.

At Home With Jesus (0701) 6-19-1964
What will it be like to be with Jesus in Heaven? It all starts now on earth.

Atonement 1-4 (1093-1096) March & April 1958
The atonement that Christ purchased for us as seen through the imagery of the sanctuary

Atonement in the Old Testament (0207) Date N/A
The plan of salvation can be made very clear from the Old Testament. It has always been God’s purpose to reunite man with Himself. He invites us into His Most Holy Place to share His throne.

Baal (0695) 3-19-1982
Baal worship in the Old Testament consisted of sensualism and self-indulgence on the one extreme and self-torture on the other. We are told that, today, people are still worshiping Baal by their selfishness in worship with “free-lovism” on the one hand and guilt complexes and fanaticism on the other.

Babe at Bethlehem (1083) 12-21-1979

Our gifts are often wrapped in pretty paper.  The greatest gift of the universe was and is unappreciated because its “wrapping” that it came in was not what many were expecting or wanting.  Are we willing to accept any gift that God sends us, no matter the wrapping?

Balm of Gilead 1,2 (0164, 0165) February 1977
Why isn’t the health of my people recovered? Can this balm be purchased at the drug store? The remedy and patient must be brought together. What are the channels for accomplishing this?

Baptism (0082) 5-25-1962
The one who realizes that God is his Father, and the church his mother, will cooperate in receiving the food, guidance, and discipline that God commissions the church to give to His children.

Baptism – With Pastor Boykim (1332) 10-25-1975
An ordination service for David Lee is proceeded by a baptismal service of several candidates.

Baptismal Class 1-6 (1039-1044) 1962
This is a live recording of a class that Elder Frazee gave to a group of  baptismal candidates. It covers the essentials that all should understand and accept prior to being baptized. The lst class is a live recording of the candidates from the class. This is an excellent series for those who are preparing for themselves or  trying to prepare others for baptism.
1. Saved from Sin
2. Feeling Death with Christ
3. Repent, Confess, Believe
4. How to Get into God’s Family
5. Testimony of Jesus
6. Service in Outdoor Baptistry

Battle for Your Children (1476) 7-20-1963

Be Careful What You Want (0544) 2-15-1960
God will give everyone what they want. He gave quail to Israel when they wanted it, even though it brought leanness of soul. Be sure the thing you really want is eternal life.

Be Ready to Give an Answer (1341) 5-14-1965
We should be ready to give an answer to those who ask the reasons why we do things. We should be able to give answers strait from the Bible and we should have an understanding of science and physiology to be able to give intelligent answers about our health message.

Be Sober, Watch, Pray, Love (0853) 12-16-1960
We must be sober from the opinions of men and even our own opinions.  Whenever we speak or give counsel we should only point others to what God has said; we should speak “as the oracles of God.”  If we don’t know what God has said, we are to plainly say so.

Be Still (1634) 3-16-1957
Our human tendency is to be restless, fidgety, and full of gossip. God wants us to be still, or to watch our tongues and step back and be patient to let God work out the things that we cannot work out.

Be Ye Ready (0636) 7-6-1957
In this sermon, Elder Frazee shares a story of the terrible destruction that was caused from a hurricane that hit Louisiana. The reason people suffered so much was that they failed to heed the warnings that were given to them in advance to evacuate the area. The reason that people had not heeded the warning was because they had been through several smaller hurricanes and had heard many warnings before. They did not take the warnings seriously because they “had heard that before.” So, in the end, many will be caught by surprise of the intensity of the crisis despite being warned because they have heard the warnings for so long that they have begun to take them for granted.

Bear Ye One Another Burdens’ (0703) 3-6-1964
No matter how much of a burden we may be on others, we are to bear the burden of someone else.

Bearers of Light (1073) 1959
We are to bear the light of truth and peace.  When we are gloomy and depressed, we to not bearing light but darkness.

Beatitudes 1-8 (0125-0132) 1975
Exegetical sermons about the beatitudes that Christ gave in His sermon on the mount. The Beatitudes give a step approach to righteousness by faith.
1. Poor in Spirit
2. Mourners Comforted
3. Meek Inherit
4. Merciful
5. Filled with Righteousness
6. Happy Pure Ones
7. The Peacemakers
8. The Persecuted

Beatitudes of Revelation (0936) 12-29-1963
A sermon about the seven blessings mentioned in the book of Revelation.

Beautiful Way 1-14 (1961) (1310-1323) Download Part 1, audio     Part 1, PDF
Fourteen studies on the standards of Christian living presented in their beauty as a happy way of life.

Beautiful Way 1-14 (1965) (1310-1323) May & June 1961
1. Introduction
2. Order and Balance
3. Separation
4. Individuality
5. Self-righteousness
6. Natural vs Artificial
7. Beauty for Ashes
8. Truth vs Fiction
9. Witnessing vs Acting
10. God’s Great Free-way
11. Love vs Rivalry
12. Recreation
13. Beauty of Love
14. As The Morning

Beautiful Way 1-4 (1324a-1325b) 1963

Beauty of Simplicity (0628) Date N/A
The things of God are simple, but man ever seeks to complicate.

Beauty of Truth (0100) 1-6-1976
Satan has one advantage over God ― he mixes truth with error. But the principles of the character of God is truth. Lies cannot therefore represent Him. Fiction, acting and pretending are all incompatible to the character of God, even if it is done in the name of God.

Beginning Soul Winner 1-8  Download Part  1, audio     Part 1, PDF (0210-0217) April 1969
A simple, yet in-depth class on how to win souls.
1. Begin to Pray
2. He That Goeth Forth
3. And Weepeth
4. Bearing Precious Seed
5. Ye Shall Be Witnesses
6. Unto Me
7. Choose
8. We Shall Reap

Behold My Hands (0135) 10-17-1975
Follow Jesus’ hands from the baby in the manger to Calvary and beyond. Helping hands, toiling hands, healing, cleansing hands, wounded, suffering hands, pleading victorious hands of our Savior.

Behold Thy Mother (0720) 9-3-1965
Jesus is looking for someone to care for His “Mother,” the church, as John cared for Mary. Did Mary support John? Will you cherish the church as a sacred legacy from Jesus?

Beholding (0349) 7-24-1976
As the tribute money bore the likeness of Caesar, and God commanded His followers to render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, so we were created in the likeness of God and it would please Him if we would render ourselves to be recreated in His image.

Believing (0061) 8-13-1971
All the benefits of John 3:16 come to us by believing, by using our power of choice. The result of believing is to receive Him.

Best With What You Have (1478) 3-5-1980
A talk given to encourage self-supporting workers to encourage them to strive to do better with what they have rather than waiting and longing for more, bigger, and better facilities, personnel, etc.

Bible as Educator (1101) Date N/A
We need to “become the people of one book ― the Bible and the divine commentary.” Personal experiences illustrate the value of Bible study.

Bible as Educator 1-4 (0783-0786) Date N/A

Bible Journal of Better Living (0367) 4-16-1976
A wealth of material on better living. When God made man, He exalted matter from the dust to the highest point it could be and then gave man the choice to reflect his Creator or refuse Him.

Bitter and Sweet Cup (1049) 10-17-1959
A communion service sermon. Elder Frazee speaks of how the cup represents Christ’s blood. The blood represents His life spilled out in sacrifice. We are to drink of that cup. In other words, we are to share in sacrifice with Christ. We can make that cup bitter through complaining, or sweeten it by prayer and patience and endurance.

Blessed Hope (1343) 1958

Blind Bartimaeus (0616) 10-24-1969
Christ’s healing of this blind man has many lessons for us today. What do we really want? God loves to satisfy the true desires of the soul. He will do that for those like Bartimaeus who exercise the faith that God gives them.

Bones (1660) Date N/A
Ezekiel’s vision of the valley of dry bones Elder Frazee uses to illustrate the unity and Spirit-filled action that God wants His church to have. His church will experience this when it responds to the messages of the Spirit of Prophecy.

Book of Experience (0593) 3-30-1963
We are to lay plans, then lay them down at the feet of Jesus. Often our plans have to fail so that God’s plans for us may succeed.

Born to Be a King (1479) 4-20-1956
Since you were born to be a king, don’t be a slave to fear, anger, lusts, or appetite. Call upon the King of kings for deliverance through His promises.

Breaking of the Heart (0750) 12-11-1954
As Gideon had his three-hundred men brake earthen vessels so that the light of the torches could shine, so God arranges that our hearts can be broken that the light of His grace may shine forth from our lives.

Bridge to Guidance (0856) 4-14-1961
The problem why so many have a hard time knowing what is God’s will for them, is that they are not as interested how their decisions affect God, but how their decisions will affect them. In other words, those who base all their decisions on trying to find out what best pleases the Lord, will be the ones that will understand God’ will for them. They will be guided by God and not their own selfish desires.

Building God’s Church (0412B)
Christ compares His church to a building.  The building is not yet finished.  We are all still in training to have our rough edges chiseled and sanded so that we can fit together.

Building the Ark  Download (0668) Date N/A
Noah preached a flood and built an ark, investing all he had in it. Are you preparing a country “ark” while teaching Revelation 13:17? Is it big enough for some refugees?

Busy Here and There (0682) 9-13-1963
It is the responsibility of not just the ministers and leaders to reach souls but all the members of the church. Actually, their ministry can be the most important. Too often the excuse is made that we are too “busy here and there”. If we are too busy to win souls we have missed the whole point of what this life is for.

Buy Truth (0175) 5-7-1978
John Andrews once said, “I will gladly exchange a thousand errors for one truth.” This is the way to buy truth according to Proverbs 23:23. Surrender our erroneous ideas and accept the truth of God.

Buzzard Fare (0919) 6-9-1961
Buzzards by nature are attracted to dead carcasses. What we are attracted to reveals our nature. Are we attracted by conversations about the love of God or the latest gossip?

Call of the Eleventh Hour (0868) 1-27-1961
As eleventh-hour workers, we are to give everything we have into the work, not asking what the church will do for us but what we can do for the church.

Call to the Supper (1480) Date N/A
Elder Frazee expounds of the parable of the call to the marriage supper. He uses this story to make an appeal for pledges for the new sanitarium. In this he shares principles of stewardship and the right and wrong way to give offerings and pledges.

Call to Worship (0570) 2-12-1966
This message addresses the “thought of reverence, the worship of God, how we are to worship Him, how we are to express reverence, and in what ways we can do this.”

Call Upon Me (0162) 1-28-1977
Every difficulty is a call to prayer. Does God answer prayer? Hear marvelous experiences of answers to prayer told by Dr. Richard Hansen.

Camp Alamisco Series 1-7 (1143-1149) 12-30-1974 to 1-5-1975
A special retreat meeting with Self-supporting workers from around the world in which they confessed their faults to each other and encouraged each other in the cause. Many good messages about confession of sins, the history of the sanitarium work and the finishing of the work.

Can’t Compass Everything (0048) 1-16-1981
There is always more work than we can do and more good things than we have time for. If we don’t have enough time and energy for all the good things, we certainly need not waste a moment of time on any bad, half-bad, or less-than-the-best things.

Capacity for Happiness (1167) 6-20-1958

Cave Dwellers (0867) 1-21-1961
Elijah was discouraged; and without God’s direction, he went to hide in a cave. So today, we often go places and do things that God never directed us to.

Certainties 1-8 (1276-1283) February 196
While there are many mysteries in the Word of God there are several things that the Bible assures us that we can be certain about. The veracity of the Bible, our salvation, victory of sin, and the gift of the Holy Spirit are some of the “certainties” brought out of God’s Word in this series.
1. Words of Truth
2. Look, Listen, Taste and See
3. I Do Believe, I Now Believe
4. Ask, Believe, Thank
5. Jesus Died for Our Sins
6. Our Sins Transferred t0 Jesus
7. We Know, We Have
8. Surrender All, Receive All

Certainty(1103) 11-28-1980
We need not hear the Devil’s side of the argument in order to believe God. We can be certain of the truth by studying God’s Word and the Spirit of Prophecy, but not by studying their critics.

Children of Light (1633) 9-10-1971
We are to devote our lives to unselfish service. God supplies an expense allowance ― “whatever is right.”

Choose Your Friends(0168) 2-15-1974
Our friends influence our lives. They can lift us up or push us down. Choose friends which walk in the ways of God because Satan is a very successful soul winner and he might use some of our friends to win us.

Christ and His Church Are Inseparable (0709) 11-14-1964
Christ is the Head, His church is the body. Fingers don’t attach directly to the head but to the hand, and the hand to the arm and the arm to the body and the body to the head. So we are connected to Christ we must also be connected and loyal to His church.

Christ or Barabbas (1137) 5-26-1972
Sinful nature is well represented by Barabbas. But Jesus wants to give us His own nature.

Christ’s Way in Sanctuary 1-4 (0985-0988) March 1968
The sanctuary makes clear what to many Christians is only nebulous – where Jesus went after His ascension and what he is doing now. This series presents a simple yet powerful exposition of the five roles of Christ’s work and its impact on us.

Christ’s Medical Missionary Work for Elijah (0698) 2-15-1964
God follows us on our detours, feeds us, strengthens us, waits for us. But His work is not complete until we are back on the track.

Christian Administration 1-7 (1176-1182) 1977
A shorter version of Christian Administration 1-11

Christian Leadership 1-11 (Used to be named: Christian Administration 1-11) Download Part 1, audio

Christian Administration 1-12 (1482-1493) 1969 Download Part 1, PDF
Practical and excellent instruction on Biblical principles about leadership and managing that are timeless and apply to anything that is to be managed in a God-fearing way. Similar to Christian Administration 1-11 with some more emphasis on Matthew 18 principles.
1. An Organization of Love
2. Individuality and Cooperation
3. Balance
4. Leadership with Love
5. Authority from Heaven
6. Theocracy
7. Promotion from Above
8. Faithfulness
9. The Golden Rule
10. God Takes The Reins
11. Committee Work
12. Christian Discipline

Christian Administration 1-12 (1958) (1482-1493)
1. Not Yet Named
2. Not Yet Named
3. Principles of Individuality
4. Group Action
5. Leadership 1
6. Leadership 2
7. Relation of Individual to Group Work
8. Relation of Leadership in Theocracy
9. Leadership and Discipline
10. Administering Reproof
11. Breaking Yokes
12. Simplicity in Administration

Christian Administration 1-14 (1206-1219) Date NA
Similar to Christian Administration 1-11

Christian Home (The) (1284-1295) April 1957
These sermons expose the biblical principles of courtship and the family.

Church Our Mother (0888) 2-4-1961
Our relation to the church is that of children to their mother.

Cigarettes On Campus (0948) 11-23-1979
How can we best relate ourselves to someone who is struggling with a sin that we don’t outwardly struggle with? Do we join them to help them feel accepted? Do we feel jealous? Do we feel tempted? Do we feel critical? Elder Frazee shares the principles of how we are to relate to the sins of others.

Cities of Refuge (0699) 4-17-1964
The plan of salvation as illustrated by the cities of refuge of the Old Testament, and explains the role of Self-Supporting institutions

Cleansing in the Court (0563) Date N/A
A description of the three cleansing agencies ― water, blood, and fire ― in the sanctuary service, to separate sin from the sinner

Colonists or Soldiers (0073) 4-30-1971
A colonist desires a life of ease and pleasure, the good things of life. A soldier is a sacrificial servant. Which are you?

Combating Worldliness (1481) Date N/A
This sermon explains we are  to relate ourselves with the sinfulness of the world or the compromises of fellow Christians.

Come Out of Babylon (0552) 7-24-1964
Eight times Babylon is referred to as a city in the book of Revelation. That is not only a symbol but quite literal. God has given the call to come out of the world’s congested, polluted, and corrupted cities and live in the country.

Come Unto Me (1005) 12-12-1981
Elder Frazee explains this precious passage in Matthew. He explains what it means to come to Jesus, and how to do it. It explains what the yoke is and the kind of rest that Christ promises.

Comet (0658) 10-30-1965
Heretics seem to blaze and dazzle for a time; they attract the attention of many like a comet, yet they soon fade away. Truth however, may not appear as dynamic and exciting as heresy, but truth will continue to shine forever.

Comfort and Hope (0632) 3-2-1968
The Scriptures could have left out the failures of men such as David, Peter, and Jacob, or it might not have shared with us the victories of Enoch, Daniel, Joseph, and Elisha; yet the Bible gives us both ― the men who failed yet repented (to give us comfort that God can still forgive, restore, and use us) and the men who have no record of sins (that we may have hope that God is doing the same for us).

Coming Events (1962) 1-14 (0520-0533) Download Part 1, audio
The Last Day Events, the order that they will come, and what we need to do now in order to prepare for them.
1. The First Angel’s Message
2. The Second Angel’s Message
3. The Third Angel’s Message
4. The National Sunday Law
5. The Marvelous Working of Satan
6. The Loud Cry
7. The Latter Rain
8. The Sealing and Marking
9. The Laodicean Message
10. The Time of Trouble
11. Shaking and Sifting
12. Knocking at the Door
13. Cleansing of the Temples
14. God’s Plumbline

Coming Events 1-12 (1957) (1406-1417) Download Part 1, PDF
A shorter version of Coming Events (1962) 1-14 with more emphasis on the Later Rain.
1. Introduction
2. Three Angels Messages
3. National Sunday Law
4. Loud Cry
5. Marvelous Working of Satan
6. Time of Trouble – Plagues
7. The Deliverance
8. Mark of the Beast
9. Latter Rain 1
10. Latter Rain 2
11. Shaking
12. Laodicea

Commission (0970) 1-14-1966
This is mostly a testimony service from workers at Wildwood about what the training has done for them and the mission of the church.

Communion – Trenton (1376) 10-6-1973
God gives us the gives us repentance just as verily as he gives us the gift of forgiveness. We must accept both gifts. Repentance is filled with sorrow but forgiveness is filled with joy. We cannot experience the joy of forgiveness until we accept the sorrow of repentance

Communion Service (1973) (0106) 10-6-1973
Let a man examine himself that he eat not unworthily, in an unworthy manner or attitude. Only Jesus is worthy.

Communion Service (1959) (1050) 10-17-1959
“The Spirit’s first work is not to pat us on the back but to prick us in the heart.”  The removal of sin from the life can be a painful process, but that very experience is what helps us to hate sin and appreciate the true joy of freedom from it.

Communion Service at Wildwood (1025) 4-15-1967

Constructive or Destructive (1581) 6-24-1977
A hammer is used to build, but it can also tear down. Think of a hammer made of protoplasm. The tongue is a mighty tool for construction or destruction. Death and life are in the power of the tongue.

Content Without Promotion (w/Finley) (0077) 10-20-1972
The cascade of God’s love from high Heaven to the cross is a contrast to the world’s slogan ― “there is always room at the top.” Who is willing to remain “unnoticed and unknown” in the humble place of God’s assignment?

Contented Soldiers (0964) 8-12-1966
We are to serve as soldiers in Christ’s army. The life of a soldier is not expected to be an easy one. A soldier can expect to be in danger, to suffer hardships and the loss of life itself. Christians likewise can expect the enemy to throw everything that he has against them. They can expect, as long as they are on Christ’s side, to endure hardships.

Control of Thoughts (1650) 1958

Cost of Medical Missionary Work Download (0351) 8-13-1976
When the Israelites were bitten by the poisonous serpents God instructed a brazen serpent to be made and the Israelites looked and lived. As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness the Son of Man must be lifted up on the cross of Calvary. Do we appreciate the infinite cost for our healing?

Counting Our Benefits (0308) 4-20-1977
Benefits of self-supporting work ― more family time, country living, better quality food, etc.

Country Living 1-4 Download Part 1, PDF (1418-1421) August 1983
Elder Frazee traces the sad history of how city living began and contrasts the dangers of city life with the blessings of country living through the early Bible history.

Covering Love (0086) 2-9-1973
God rejoices to cover sin. Do you have this kind of love? How often have you used Matt. 18:15,16 in dealing with the faults of others?

Crisis at the Close 1-6 Download Part 1(0361-0366) 1961
A comparison of Christ’s experience during the last scenes of His life on earth to our experience during the time of trouble.
1. Christ Foretells the Sifting
2. Gethsemane
3. The Mob
4. The Trials
5. The Cross
6. The Triumph

Criticism (0005) 8-10-1976
When the Pharisees thought something was wrong with Christ, they asked the disciples; when they thought something was wrong with the disciples, they questioned Christ.  Christ commands us that when we feel there is something wrong with our brother, we should go to him directly.  If we are going to please Jesus, we must not listen to reports and criticisms of our brethren.

Cross 1-2 (1131) 11-10-1967
This is a call for avoiding extremes. Often, some of us manufacture crosses for ourselves and for others that Christ never intended that we carry.
1. The ABC’s of Your Cross
2. What the Cross is Not

Cross and Crown (0830) 9-13-1957
“He went from the lowest to the highest. He went from the death of the cross to the throne of the universe… The thing I want you to meditate with me tonight on is this (watch!): just as He went to the cross to identify Himself with us, He went to the throne that we might be identified there with Him.”

Cross and Roses (1161) 2-20-1959
We are told that we are not to cover the cross with ornamental roses. In other words, we are not to lessen the sacrifice and pain involved in following in the way of the cross by changing or neglecting principle.

Cross – Offense or Power (0938) 2-15-1963
“Is the cross a stumbling block to you? A snare? An offense? Or is it the power of God and the glory of God?” This sermon deals with three ways that the cross can be the power in your Christian life rather than the stumbling block.

Cross in the Light of the Sanctuary (1031) 2-18-1967
The center piece in the old sanctuary service was the sacrifices. So in the heavenly sanctuary the central theme is the High Priest was was also the Lamb Who was slain. The details of how the sacrifices were offered and why they were offered have their parallels at the cross and in the Christian experience.

Crown or Crucify (0080) 11-17-1972
In your heart, there is a throne and a cross. On which is Jesus? On which is self? Unless we are crowning Him, we are crucifying Him.

Crying & Sighing (0583) 11-29-1963
Only those who are pleading with God over sins in church, not criticizing nor participating, will be sealed.

Cure For Selfishness (0870) 9-23-1961
God has arranged many needs for sacrificial giving to starve us of our covetousness.

Cure for Sinning (0614) Date N/A
We can never overcome sin until we realize how evil it really is. The only place we can properly learn this is at the cross. Not only is there a mental realization of how evil sin is at the cross, but the very act of looking in faith to Christ’s sufferings links us with the power to overcome any and all sin.

Cut All Ropes (0661) 7-25-1959
The ropes that bind us to the world ― its friendship and vanity ― are all to be cut completely before we can ascend to heaven.

Current Trends & Purposes of Wildwood (0611) 11-25-1975
What Wildwood medical missionary training is to accomplish

Daniel (0667) 6-20-1959
This message does not deal in detail with the prophecies of Daniel but the overview of the book as a whole. It shows the progression on Nebuchadnezzar’s conversion among other things.

Daniel – Fort Payne 1-2 (0538, 0539) September 1976
A two-part series on the prophecies of Daniel. This was give to a general audience and is thus suitable for such listeners.
1. The Image of Daniel 2
2. Identifying the Antichrist

Daniel – The Problem Solver (0968) 11-26-1965
When Daniel was faced with problems he went to God and solved those problems. He didn’t evade them, deny them, or complain about them. God is looking for people today who will solve problems like Daniel did. People who will put God first and not back down to any challenge.

Daniel’s Band (0647) 2-13-1980
A service to dedicate the opening of the new sanitarium and hospital building. Elder Frazee explains the philosophy behind Wildwood’s unique natural approach to health and healing.

Deficiencies and Difficulties (0190) 11-10-1978
When we look to ourselves (and if we are honest), we will see nothing but deficiencies. But as we look to Jesus, we will see nothing but sufficiencies to save us from the past, to finish our sanctification in the future, and to work His will in us in the present.

Delight in the Sabbath (1646)
The Sabbath was meant to be a delight. If we are in a hurry with even good things on the Sabbath, we will miss the very blessing that God has in store for those who learn to take the time to delight themselves in God.

Delivered From Iniquity and Guilt (1327) 12-17-1965
“There are not devils enough in hell nor men enough in this world to keep the humblest soul from experiencing the fullness of these blessings. The Lord has laid on Jesus the iniquity of us all. And to make the transaction complete it needs your vote, your choice, your acceptance of the provision. If you are willing to vote with God and with His Son Jesus Christ in this great transaction, then for you, as though you were the only one in the world, for you the Lord has laid on Him all your iniquities.”

Delivered From Seven Fears (0315) 11-2-1956
Using God’s promises to dismiss the fear of darkness, want, failure, men, being lost, the devil, and death.

Dependent and Independent (1594) 9-16-1976
Caution not to be dependent on man yet not to move independently

Destiny (0942) 10-10-1963
You have a unique destiny just as sure as did Moses, Jeremiah, John the Baptist, and many other
Bible heroes. It won’t be like anyone else’s, God has a tailor-made job for you. What a pity if you miss God’s great plan for you because you wanted to carry out your own plans.

Discerning Good and Evil (0033) 2-10-1976
Need of Holy Spirit to discern between right and wrong

Dislocations (0646) Date N/A
The church is the body of Christ. Sometimes a bone of the body might get dislocated. Dislocations are not the same has being entirely cut off. The whole body should feel pain when a joint is dislocated, especially the areas nearest the injury. So the people in the church that should especially strive to restore the hurt member should be those that were most responsible for their pain.

Divine Healing (1495) Date N/A
The credit for all true healing goes to God. Then what do we do when it seems that God is not answering our prayers of healing? Listen to find out.

Do You Have Enough Oil? (1636) 6-3-1961
The oil of love to bring us through.

Do You Know the Voice? (0743) 5-14-1982
Sheep can discern their Shepherd’s voice from the voice of other shepherds. God wants to train us to recognize His voice from the voice of false shepherds by becoming familiar with His voice through reading Scripture and the Spirit of Prophecy and enjoying nature.

Don’t Dissect (0817) 2-25-1980
The need to accept the Word of God as it is

Don’t Feed the Bears (0924) 2-25-1961
Feed and exercise Godly traits. Starve “the old man.”

Drama of Destiny (0627) 12-20-1968
It rests with each one to decide whether he will accept that for which he was born. If he does not fill the place he could on God’s side, he will fill a specific place on Satan’s side.

Drawn By Love (0176) 4-28-1978
Steel must always respond to the magnet for that is the law of its being. But while God draws and puts in our hearts the ability and capacity to respond, He leaves it with each of us to make the choice to respond or not.

Dress Length and Modesty (0122) Date N/A
As Jesus covered Adam and Eve in the garden, so He longs to see us clothed, modestly and properly, for our protection, joy, and final restoration.

Earth’s Last War 1-12 Download Part 1, PDF (0286-0297) February & March 1960
There are a number of parallels and contrasts in the book of Revelation and practical spiritual lessons that we can learn from today.

1. Two Leaders-Lamb Dragon
2. Two Worships–Creator Creature
3. Two Laws Commandments of God The commandments of Men
4. Two Flags God’s Seal The Mark of the Beast
5. Two Women The Bride The Harlot
6. Two Spirits–Spirit of Prophecy Spiritualism
7. Two Revivals–The Loud Cry Satan’s Work
8. Two Harvests–Grain Grapes
9. Two Troubles–Jacob’s Great Time
10. Two Suppers–Manna Carrion
11. Two Cities-Zion Babylon
12. Two Choices–Robes Rags

Easy Yoke 1-6 (1422-1427) March 1973
God’s way is the way of peace, joy and rest. Then why does the Christian walk seem so difficult at times if Christ’s yoke is indeed easy? It is because we often place Christ’s yoke on top of our own manufactured yokes which are already too heavy for us. This series looks at how we can remove our manufactured yokes and experience the peace and rest of only wearing Christ’s yoke.

Ebenezer (0157) 9-12-1970
It is good for us to write down the experiences where we see that God has helped us so that we can go back and read about them to remind us that God will lead us through our problems. We are to look back at what God has done for us; we are to look around at what God is telling us through nature; we are to look above in our imaginations and picture what Christ is now doing for us; and we are to look to the future for the hope of what Christ will do.

Eden Life 1-6 (1428-1433) 1967
1. The Eden Life Each 24 Hours
2. Heaven Begins Here
3. Solving Problem
4. Eden School
5. Angels-Problem Solvers
6. Branded-God’s Ownership

Eden Valley 1-2 (1353, 1354) January 1963
Elder Frazee made the announcement to the Wildwood staff that he had accepted the call to help start Eden Valley Institute and would be leaving Wildwood for awhile.  Messages follow from Ralph Martin and John Jensen about the importance of filling in the gaps and being faithful to do whatever God calls you to do and go wherever God leads you.  The second part is mostly a testimony service.

Eden Valley – Medical Convention 1-2 (1644, 1645) September 1971
1. The Place to Start in Soul Winning
2. Medical Evangelism Ultimate Goals

Eden Valley Workshop – Four Points on Guidance (1371) 1-7-1971 Isaiah 42:16
An excellent message regarding the Biblical way to make decisions. Elder Frazee also brings out the many ways that people are deceived into thinking that God is leading when He is not.

Educated for Survival (0313) 1-27-1978
“A prudent man forseeth evil and hideth himself, but the simple pass on and are punished.” God is anxious to teach us the truth and the importance of these words that we might prepare by learning to hide in Jesus and thus survive.

Educated or Uneducated (0144) 3-9-1979
Were Christ’s disciples educated or uneducated? They were both. They were largely uneducated as far as degrees are concerned, but they received the highest of all educations from Christ Himself. Elder Frazee shares principles of true education and how to be a good student in this sermon.

Education(0103) 3-30-1974
A comprehensive study on true Christian education based on Jesus’ example in childhood and youth

Education for Survival (1382) 7-4-1980

Egypt – Wilderness – Canaan (0827) (11-8-1957)
A comparison between the Exodus and the Advent Movement.

Elijah Series:

Elijah (1496) 8-21-1976
Before Jesus comes again, Elijah must do his work. Malachi predicts that one of the purposes of Elijah’s message is to bring families together. One very important aspect of family ministry is for families to think outside of themselves and open their homes for those who have no homes. Learning how to manage a home and take in others who need a home are prerequisites to being able to successfully managing an institution.

Elijah and John Message (0847) Date N/A
How the Elijah and John messages bears on our work today of reform and preparing a people to meet the Lord.

Elijah Message (0896) 9-14-1962
Malachi tells us that the result of Elijah’s message will be to bring families back together. This sermon gives biblical evidence that God will have a generation of children that will be a marvel to the world for their obedience.

Elijah’s Mantle (0730) Date N/A
A sermon about the faith and failures of Elijah from which Elder Frazee draws lessons for us today, like certainty in the promises of God, the work of training, and prevailing prayer.

Enoch’s Outpost Download (0669) 1958
Enoch, a type of God’s people today, walked with God in practical, country living. His converts from the city were brought back to his outpost.

Entering Into God’s Rest (1152) 12-4-1958

Escape From Temptation (0651) 7-18-1959 1 Corinthians 10:13
There are no alibis for giving into temptation. None are tempted in special ways that others are not tempted and all can bear it. Where is the way to escape temptation? It is sent with the temptation; it is our choice – to say yes or no. It will all depend on whom we say “yes” and “no” to. If we want to escape the temptation we must say “no” to Satan and “yes” to God whenever we are tempted.

Eternal Realities 1-2 (1001, 1002) September 1981

Evaluating Riches (0960) 10-29-1965
Using the literal riches of money as an illustration, Elder Frazee explains the true riches of souls, love, faith, and more.

Even At the Door 1-2 (1497, 1498) Date N/A

Every Step With Jesus (0058) 7-16-1971
Decisions as to what steps we are to take are to be based on fellowship with Jesus. Counsel from others is not to be a substitute for letting every difficulty be a call to prayer.

Every Wind (0714) 2-22-1958
The Bible warns us that we must be mature and not be moved by every “wind.” Elder Frazee parallels these winds to the icy wind of formalism, the hot blasts of fanaticism, the pestilential winds of heresies, the soft zephyrs of lukewarmness, and more.

Examine Yourself (0368) 4-9-1976
It is not the petty feelings and emotions that are to be examined, but the life, the character, is to be examined by God’s holy law.

Exhale and Inhale (0044) 10-12-1979
Elder Frazee discusses with Dr. Bernell Baldwin the properties of fresh air.  Then Elder Frazee brings out spiritual lessons from these facts.

Extension and Expansion (0890) 3-17-1961
The sequel to “Trip to Chiapas,” this sermon picks up the story of the wonderful medical missionary work down in Chiapas, Mexico. He gives an appeal for volunteers to enter the mission field and the prerequisites of those who desire to be missionaries.

Eyes, Ears, and Tongue (0136) 11-7-1975
There is a way to witness for Jesus, not as martyrs, but as demonstrators of the joy and beauty of His way of life. Here is how we can consecrate our eyes, ears, and tongue to God.

Ezekiel 1:4-8, 10:8, 1:9-28 (0930) 1965

Ezekiel 2:1 (0581) 3-22-1969
Continuing the theme of individuality from part 1, this second part deals especially with developing your own conscience and respecting the convictions or non-convictions of others.

Faculty Class 1-6 (0652-0657) August 1965
Excellent series that was given to the faculty of Wildwood to help orient them to the principles and goals of Wildwood. Principles given were specifically for Wildwood workers but many of them can apply to any institution that wants to run for God.

1. What Is  a Teacher?
2. Four Sides of The Square
3. The Way of Peace
4. How Wildwood Will Succeed or Fail
5. Professionalism-Degrees and Recognition
6. Unity-Love One to Another

Faith (0666) 6-19-1959
Faith is believing God before we have total proof and before it makes perfect sense. Example: “The world did not believe a flood was coming back in the days of Noah.  Did it come?  Yes.  And when the rain was falling and the boat was rising, did all the world believe a flood was coming?  Yes.  Did they got faith all at once?  No.”

Faith – Christian’s Radar (0009) 2-10-1979
“Faith is the Christian’s radar, and faith says, Here is this trial that has come.  I
do not see the reason for it. I do not understand its purpose, but I believe there is a
purpose and I believe God is working it all together for my good.”

Faith (0727) Date N/A

Faith and Love Expressed in Obedience (1363) 2-5-1955
If we don’t obey God it is because we do not trust Him enough or love Him enough.  God is interested that we trust Him enough to do exactly what He said even if it doesn’t make much sense to us.  We cannot improve on His word; we should only obey it.

Faith Not To Share (0846) 12-3-1960
Some things in our Christian experience are given for us personally and are not meant to be shared. We may have some personal convictions that if others are convicted of them, they must also become personally convicted.

Faith of Jesus (0300) 9-9-1977
The remnant have a faith and they received it from Jesus,a gift from Him, found only in Him. If we have received Him, we have His faith and will believe exactly as He believes.

Faith, Righteousness, and Healing 1-4 (0186-0189) November 1978

Faith, Works, and Sacrifice Precede Miracles (0607) 10-14-1975
God has called certain people into the self-supporting work. This work is built on faith, sacrifice, and miracles. Usually, what a truly self-supporting institution needs God will have to work a miracle to get it. Nevertheless, if the workers and manag3ers are filled with faith, work hard, and sacrifice for the cause’s sake, God will work whatever miracles necessary to prosper the institution.

False Latter Rain (0133) 10-31-1975
So closely will the counterfeit resemble the true that it will be impossible to distinguish between them except by the Holy Scriptures.

False Revival (0592) 1-22-1971
True revival today teaches obedience to all the law. Examples: the third, fifth, and seventh commandments.

Family Fellowship 1-4 (0506-0509) Dates N/A
Four studies explaining how, through the closeness of the family relationship, God designs to teach us how His lonely heart longs for our fellowship.

Family of God – His Church 1-2 (1361-1362)

Father’s Day Message (0036) 6-18-1971
Biblical counsels of child training. Our earthly fathers and the experiences of life discipline us. Do you want the training in service, sacrifice, and suffering?

Father’s House (1085) 12-7-1962

Fear (0741) 1950

Fear Not (1381)  Psalms 27
The most fearful crisis for man in the history of mankind will be faced by those who know no fear but the fear of the Lord.

Fear Thou Not (0982) 9-9-1966
A continuation of sermon #0981, this sermon focuses on how fear can prevent us from getting what we really want. Love and the fear of God is the antidote for all other fears.

Fearful Cost of Having Our Own Way (0857) 4-22-1961
Calvary stands as the eternal reminder that for me to have my own way breaks the heart of God. We should learn to surrender own our way in childhood.

Feeding the Saviour (0322) 10-6-1972
Jesus longs to come into your heart not only for what He can do for you, but what you can do for Him. He needs your fellowship.

Feeding the Whole Man (0029) 4-21-1979
Principles in feeding the physical, mental, and spiritual

Fellow Workers With Him (1057) 5-2-1969
There are three lines of service:
1. All church members laboring in their vocations and watching for opportunities to witness
2. Workers directed and supported by the church
3. Self-supporting workers

Fellowship 1-8 (0263-0270) July & August 1970
Eight studies presenting what we mean to God and the application of this concept to such problems as suffering, misunderstandings, inferiority complex, etc. How to enjoy the special communion God desires for each one of us.
1. God Wants Your Fellowship
2. Sweet Communion
3. God Is Seeking Me
4. Jesus Has A Name For Me
5. Mercies New Every Day
6. A New Name
7. Precious, Honorable, & Loved
8. With Him

Fellowship in the Light (0861) 5-12-1961
In darkness, you cannot see where you are going. But light points out the way to go and dangers to be avoided. This light God gives to us in His Word and through the counsel others. Any good counselor will point you back to the source of all true light.

Filled With Righteousness (0128) 8-29-1975
Jesus desires to take our sins and give us His righteousness and grace. We may become like Him and be ready for Heaven.

Finding My Special Place (0860) 11-9-1962
How to find the place God has for you. Includes counsels on choosing church officers.

Finish (0310) 9-14-1979
Our work is not finished until it has been done right.

Firm Foundation 1-3 (0933-0935) January & February 1980
This series gives excellent counsel on the nature of inspiration, how to interpret Scripture, and the role of Ellen White.

First and Fifth Commandments (1048) 10-29-1956

First Day of the First Month (0595) 1-1-1982
A New Year’s Day sermon about the blessings of the acceptance of God, looking to Jesus for power to do the right thing, and Divine guidance.

First Lessons to Master (0863) 1961
The first lessons to master are obedience and guidance. This sermon focuses on obedience.

Fitting Action to Occasion – Anvil (0569) 2-11-1966
A hammer is for striking, an anvil is for receiving blows. Sometimes, God wants us to be the anvil – to receive blows, rebukes, and/or troubles. At other times, He wants us to be the hammer – to give reproof, correction, and counsel. “For all your days prepare, and beat them ever alike. When you are the anvil, bear it; when you are the hammer, strike.”

Five Battles (0641) 1958
This describes the last five battles leading to Christ’s second coming, with an emphasis on the battle of self.

Five Fathers (0208) Date N/A
Fathers like Enoch, Abraham, and Zacharias set examples of proper child training. Jacob encourages us that God can overlook our mistakes. (Closing remarks are for youth who have fathers they don’t respect.)

Five Smooth Stones (0114) 1-3-1965
God uses simple methods. Witnessing instead of acting, truth not fiction, the natural in place of the artificial, loving cooperation, a humble, sacrificial lifestyle are “five smooth stones” we can use to meet the enemy.

Five Things About the Word (0307) 4-22-1977
How important is God’s Word to us and for what purpose do we read it? Learn five purposes (needing, reading, pleading, heeding, and feeding) of spending time with our Creator and His Word.

Flee the Cities (0719) 8-30-1965
“Make your homes as far from Sodom and Gomorrah as you can.” But don’t pipe “smog” into your country home. “Come out” and help others to come.

Follow the Lamb (0561) 8-14-1964

Follow the Shepherd (0755) 4-8-1983
How to know God’s voice speaking to you.

Following Jesus (0859) 11-2-1961

Following the Lamb (0672) 3-27-1964
The 144.000 will follow the Lamb wherever He goes in the great hereafter. Before we follow Him there, we must first learn to follow Him here. We must learn here to be like little lambs in the way we speak to and about each other, and in the way we eat and dress, before we can be that way there.

For Us 1-2 (0881, 0882) February 1967
God asked Moses to build a sanctuary so that we could get a practical glimpse of what Christ has done and is doing “for us.”

Form and Reform 1-4 (0326-0329) Dates N/A
Four studies on God’s plan to “re-form” us like the original “form” as taught in the Old and New Testaments, the Spirit of Prophecy, and in the light of the Sanctuary.
1. From The Old Testament
2. From The New Testament
3. From The Spirit of Prophecy
4. In The Light of The Sanctuary

Formula for Success (0116) 2-7-1975
Are you studying your ‘road map?’ Using your ‘credit card’ (the promises)? Are your sins forgiven (your ‘drivers license’ the authorization to travel on the road)? Success to you!

Forty Minutes to Live (0937) 2-9-1963
Living as if this was your last day.

Forty Years (1651) 9-22-1982

Foundations of Our Faith 1-4 (0093-0096) September 1973
Four studies giving the materials and tools to build a strong personal foundation of faith that will withstand the storm ahead.

Four Gifts (0150) 11-19-1976
“He loved me and gave Himself for me” plus other wonderful gifts, four of which are here brought to our attention.

Four Precious Gifts (1499) 11-8-1969

Four Great Links in Chain of God’s Providences (1063) 12-23-1966
God speaks to us through His Word, providences, impressions, and counsel. When these four line up, we know His will.

Four Mighty Weapons (1635) 10-11-1968
When we become Christians, the Devil will make warfare against us. God has given us four mighty weapons to combat the Devil and the sinfulness of our own hearts: The Word of God, prayer, singing spiritual songs, and the love of God.

Four Points on Guidance (0625) 11-9-1968
There are four different angles to getting God guidance: God’s perfect and ideal will for me, What I think that will for me is, what others think God’s perfect will for me is, and what I think others think God’s perfect will for me is. Which one of these four angles is best? And if we choose one angle, how should we relate to the other three?

Free From Yoke of Bondage (1027) 12-9-1966
The yokes of bondage that many bear are the yokes of their self-righteousness, the fear of what other people think, and the bondage of condemnation. All these Christ longs to free us from.

Freedom in Difficulties (0962) 1-7-1966

Freely Give (0626) 9-14-1968
Every possession of money, talent, and materials that we have more than someone else, we are indebted to them to share what we have. Everything we have is a gift from God. We are not owners but stewards. And, as such, God makes us responsible to freely gives to those in need as He has freely given to us.

Friend for Jesus (0350) 7-30-1976
We are to value ourselves according to the price He paid for us. As we remember that the same price was paid for our brother, this will be the motivating force in reclaiming souls for Christ.

Friends (0085) 1-12-1973
Friends supply sweetest perfume but also sharpening and wounds. Pray for friends whom you can help and who can help you share a prayer fellowship.

From Faith to Faith (1335) 12-30-1966

Full and Final Display (0560) 8-8-1964
God promises that He will have a church that will fully display His love and wisdom, not only in the world but in Heaven. The unfallen beings that God has created will learn the greatest lessons ever about the love and wisdom of God. He will demonstrate this through His church being united in perfect harmony, all working together to fully reflect His character and to do His will. Yet, each one in this unified church will have a unique and separate individuality.

Garments of Grace (1024) 11-19-1966
Adam and Eve went through four stages of covering in the beginning, and each stage represents a relation to righteousness by faith. The garment of light represents innocence, nakedness represents the loss of innocence, the fig leaves represent man’s self-righteousness, the skins represent the righteousness of Christ provided to us by His infinite sacrifice. When we repent, Christ clothes us with the garments of His own righteousness. But the Devil stands by to accuse and resist. Even after Christ clothes us with His garments the Devil will make us believe that we are still clothed with filthy garments, but Christ wants us to believe that He has taken those filthy garments away and we are clothed with His garments. Whom will we believe?

Garments of Innocence Lost and Restored (1022) 11-11-1966
This sermon is primarily addressed to the youth. The garments of light that Adam and Eve originally wore in the Garden of Eden were literal, but they also represented their innocence. Sin caused them to lose those garments. Since that time, until Heaven, we will have to cover our nakedness. Modern culture has paraded nakedness as something to be proud of. God intends that we understand that nakedness is a shame. Elder Frazee brings out practical and spiritual applications to this theme.

Gas in the Tank (0152) 11-26-1976
“If you love Me, keep My commandments.” God wants us to obey because of love rather than out of fear or hope of reward.

Gather the Children (0895) 9-7-1962
The Israelites were to gather their children into their homes so that their children would not perish with the Egyptian firstborn. So today, we must protect our children from the evil influences in our world that they will not perish with the rest of society in the final destruction.

Get a Lawyer (0746) 8-6-1982
Lawyers are professional representatives in legal matters. They defend us from prosecution, and they can give us legal advice to protect us from possible litigation. The lawyer knows the law, has access to the court, and has experience. Christ is our Lawyer in Heaven, and He has never lost a case.

Get Ready for the Crisis (0955) 8-6-1965

Giants (0142) 2-9-1979
As the Israelites had to contend with the giants before they could inherit the promised land, so God’s people will have many obstacles and trials to face before they will be fit to enter heaven.

Gideon’s Band (0818) 8-15-1980
Our view of things is that the more the better: we think we need more money, more time, more help. However, God may tell us like Gideon that we have too much. God is glorified when He reveals His power to us by accomplishing many things with only a few things.

Gift of God (0577) 9-13-1968
You don’t earn a gift, you earn wages. The wages that we have earned are death; but the gift of God is eternal life. The devil has many pitfalls: he tries to get us to earn the gift, buy the gift, and even steal the gift. The only way to get a gift is to ask for it and accept it.

Gift of Healing (0097) 12-10-1975
God has set gifts of healing in the church today. Every Christian physician is called to be an apostle and bear with him a cure for body and soul.

Gift of Righteousness (0821) Date N/A
Righteousness is a gift from God and cannot be earned.

Gift or Giver (1071) 1959
Do we get so excited about the gifts that God gives us that we forget the Giver Who gave them. Also, we are too often content to give God our money or other things, but what He really wants is the gift of ourselves.

Give Glory to God (0975) 4-9-1966
Similar to “Give Glory to Him” (0969)

Give Glory to Him (0969) 1-8-1966
Most of this sermon is given by Neil Martin and is focused on what it means and what it doesn’t mean to give glory to God.

Giving Divine (1159) 2-6-1959
There are 3 primary reasons that God has established in the system of giving offerings: it is an expression of love to Him; and as we give, it strengthens that love; it starves covetousness, and it is how we lay up treasures in heaven – by giving our money to support soul winning, we are exchanging our money for the currency of heaven – souls.

Glimpses of the Remnant Church (0914) 2-9-1962

Glory of Love vs The Selfishness of Competition (0101) 2-13-1976
The true love of Jesus is manifest in putting Jesus and others first. It is selfishness that wants to be first for itself. This selfishness is manifest in war, in business, in recreation, in the home, at school, and several other areas of life.

Glorying in Knowing God (0922) 1-20-1961
We often take pride in the things that we shouldn’t – money, education, or strength. But God says that there is one thing that we should glory in – to know Him. This message is about how to know God practically in everyday life.

Go Teach, Preach, Work (1166) 6-7-1958
Everyone should have a part in spreading the gospel to all the world. There are those who are called to go physically and be missionaries to unentered territories. Those that cannot go can support the front-line workers with their offerings and prayers. Everyone can give their support for the mission field by doing faithfully their work, whatever it is and wherever it is as long as it is the work which God has given them. The best thing the stomach can do to help a wounded foot is not to shut down and try to do the work of the foot–but to do faithfully the job it was designed to do. That will provide the nourishment for the foot to heal.

Go Work – Come Rest (0412) 9-29-1972
Jesus wants us to share with Him in both of these experiences. There is time for both if used as God intended.

God and Man Series 1-8 (1434-1441) September & October 1967
Eight studies relating the contrast between the nature and character of God – the Creator, and the nature and character of man – the created. Practical instruction in developing a closer relationship between God and man.
1. Nothing & Everything
2. Moses in the Mountains
3. Are You a Little Pope
4. Changing or Changeless
5. Be Still & Know That I Am God
6. Behold Your God
7. For Us
8. For Him

God is Not Santa Claus (0153) 12-10-1976
God has some wonderful gifts that will help us receive the best Gift of all. The greatest gift God can bestow upon us is to suffer for His name’s sake.

God Loves Sinners (0397) 3-10-1972
Jesus’ death for sinners is the greatest proof of His love. He still loves us even when we fall, and He loves to help us serve Him. His love to us does not depend upon the way we treat Him.

God Loveth a Cheerful Giver (0319) 7-29-1977
Much more than money is included in this title. Give glory to God now, serve Him because you love and appreciate Him. God longs for a cheerful giver.

God of Jacob Is With Us (0688) 11-27-1964
He calls Himself the God of Jacob because He acquaints Himself with us in our frailties and gives us power to overcome them.

God Rules But Man Chooses (0549) Date N/A
God is sovereign over all kingdoms and people of the earth. Nebuchadnezzar had God give him three messages before he got that point but finally he did get it. If God rules over all, why is there so much evil in the world? Is it God’s will for there to be so much crime and heartache? No, Though God rules above, He lets man choose beneath. Our choice can get in the way of God’s will for our lives.

God Shall Supply Our Need (0199) 3-9-1976
We need not worry about money or getting all the work done that could be done. God just expects us to do what He calls us to, He only expects us to spend what He provides.

God Takes Men As They Are (1642) 4-16-1965
God has perfect beings He could use to bring people to a knowledge of the truth, but He chooses to use us. While we are yet students, we can be teaching.

God Takes The Reins (0687) 11-20-1964
God will soon take up the reins of love to finish His work.

God Tests His People With a Plumbline (1056) 7-8-1957
As a plumbline is an instrument of unerring accuracy to test in building, so God tests His people to see if they are carrying out His instructions or if they are trying to make “adjustments” to God’s blueprint.

God’s Earth (1087) 4-24-1980
God made the earth beautiful because He wants us to enjoy what He has made. He also made the things in nature, such as gardens, so we can learn cooperation with Him. There are many lessons on righteousness by faith that can be learned from gardening.

God’s Great Little Word (0838) 4-30-1960
All of the promises, either directly or implied, have this little word in them. On this little word hinges life or death, blessings or curses. Listen to this sermon to find out what the little word is.

God’s Helping Hand (0545) 2-5-1960
Similar to “Another Ark to Build”. We must not only tell of a coming time of trouble and Jesus’ return, but use our hands to prepare places in the country for those who accept the Message.

God’s Last Message 1-12 (0236-0247) 1958
Twelve studies covering the basis of our message from Daniel 2, Matthew 24, and Revelation 14
1. Daniel 2
2. Matthew 24
3. Revelation 14
4. Worship The Creator
5. The Sabbath
6. The Seal
7. Spirit of Prophecy
8. E. G. White
9. Health Reform
10. Visions in The Church
11. Personal Experience
12. 3 Reasons for 3 Great Choices

God’s Messengers (formally God’s messenger) (1060) 12-27-1958
“The first (point of this message) is to pray, and the second is to go, and the third is to sacrifice. They are all interlocked and inter-linked and mingled and blended. And they must be in soul winning service. Every soul winner must have those three things settled in his heart and worked out in his life. Pray and go and sacrifice.”

God’s Part and Man’s Part (0042) 9-7-1979
If God loves everybody and wants everybody to be saved, then why is it that many will be lost? There is obviously a human response that makes the difference. The question is: what part does God do and what part does God require man to do?

God’s Peculiar Treasure (0753) 11-26-1982
God has called us to be uniquely His, as a people and as individuals. He wants us to take quality time to spend with Him, He rebukes us and leads us individually in the light.

God’s Promises (0134) 10-10-1975
Peter calls God’s promises exceeding, great, and precious. By meditating upon them, we become heavenly minded. The most precious promise is that one day we will live in Heaven where Jesus is preparing a place for us.

God’s Prophetic Telescope 1-16 (0766-0781) February-May, 1967
Sixteen studies looking at Jesus in the sanctuary, the magnification of His law, and the avenue He has chosen to reveal the last-day truths and Spirit of Prophecy.
1. What Is Jesus Doing?
2. Jesus Wants to Help Us
3. God’s Problem-End of Sin
4. The Ministry of Blood
5. Happiness for Those Who Believe
6. The End of Sin
7. God’s Law Written in The Heart
8. God’s Law Magnified
9. The First Commandment
10.The Fifth Commandment
11. The Fourth Commandment
12. Angel from The Sanctuary
13. Angel Visits in Modern Times 1
14. Angel Visits in Modern Times 2
15. Give Me Thine Heart
16. Enriched in Everything

God’s Road to Miracles 1-2 (0996, 0997) Dates N/A
Miracles were not only for Bible times, we can experience them today. God doesn’t work miracles until we have come to the limit of our resources. Complaining and doubt prevent us from experiencing miracles.

God’s Thoughts on Life and Death (0664) Dates N/A
Death is likened to a sleep ― some are sent to bed early; others are allowed to stay up later. But the important thing is, rather than thinking we know what is best for ourselves or others, let God determine when we each are to go to bed.

God’s Way(1963) (1373) 3-29-1963
Christ is standing at the door of Laodicea waiting to come in.  There is a door in the way; that door represents whatever is standing between you and Jesus.  Will you open the door?

God’s Way 1964 (1500) 2-21-1964
God’s ways are not our ways. Many times they seem very strange to us. God leads his followers right through mountains and difficulties. His way is not avoiding problems for His children but bringing them right through the problems and using the problems as the very means for success.

God’s Way in Difficulty (0898) 9-21-1962
When we are faced with a difficulty we are tempted to ask God to remove the difficulty or to give us a way to get around it. God’s way in contrast is to take us right through the difficulty. The last part of this sermon is a testimony from a women named Liddy. She tells her testimony in her native tongue–Spanish–and Elder Frazee translates it into English. This is one of the few recordings where you get to hear Elder Frazee translate and speak Spanish. Liddy’s testimony about how she was able to stand for principle and yet go through a college that was hostile to Adventist beliefs is inspiring.

God’s Way of Life (1334) 12-16-1967
God wants His way of life known throughout all the world.  This can be accomplished through the demonstration of His people.  His people can only accomplish this if they are open to God’s providence and guidance.

God’s Wonderful Promise (0787) 6-10-1983
God’s promise to us is that He will write His law in our hearts so that we obey Him from love. This message deals with appropriate Sabbath observance from a heart of love.

Gold Tried in The Fire (0635) 7-5-1957
The gold tried in the fire represents love. If we love others, we will not gossip about them or criticize them. Nor will we listen to gossip or criticism of them.

Golden Cage (0546) 8-31-1968
The purpose of Christianity is more than just keeping out of jail or avoiding the night clubs. Christianity is about following Jesus, especially to the cross. It is better, in this life and the next, to take up the cross and following Jesus than to live as the devil’s prisoner in a golden cage.

Golden Cages (1142) Date N/A
Would you give up your freedom and live in a cell if you were offered a secure shelter, food, and even money? Would it help if the bars of the cell were made of gold? Most people today are selling their freedom for far less these days. Christ’s mission and our job is to proclaim liberty to these poor souls in bondage.

Golden Candlestick (0046) 12-7-1979
As the candlestick is dependent upon oil in order to give light, so God’s church is entirely dependent upon the power of His Spirit to shine in good works.

Golden Pipes (1082) 12-14-1979
In this symbol from Revelation and Zechariah, the oil represents the Holy Spirit prompting us to do Heaven’s directives. This oil is brought to the lamps, representing God’s people, via golden pipes. These pipes represent the channels of heaven’s directives – angels, church leaders, heads of instructions, and heads of families.

Good Shepherd (0161) 1-14-1977
The 23rd Psalm is one of the most loved passages of all Scripture. The picture that it gives us is that God wants us to have a loving trust in Him because we know that He is taking care of us. We must rest in Him. A great message for any who are feeling overwhelmed or are working so hard in ministry that they fail to take sufficient time to be with Jesus.

Goodness of God (1652) 4-12-1957

Gospel (0299) 9-2-1977
The Gospel itself does not save. But the good news is, the One who has the answers to all our questions and the solutions to all our problems is the One who has the power to save.

Gospel First (0642) 1958
In ancient Israel, God gave instructions that men who were drafted into military service could be excused if they had just married a wife, planted a vineyard, or built a house, and for being fearful and faint hearted. In other words, God only wanted soldiers who were completely dedicated and were not interested in anything else than to fight the battles of the Lord. Elder Frazee brings out the points that God today is calling people into the Gospel service who will not put anything but God’s work first.

Gospel in Leviticus1-6 (0805-0812) November & December 1981
The Gospel as taught through the Old Testament sacrifices.

Gospel in Practice, 1-2 (0811, 0812) April 1980
The Gospel is put to practical application in medical missionary work. As we educate others of the great laws by which are bodies are regulated and as we in mercy seek to relieve pain and points the suffers to the only One Who can heal their souls, we are seeing the Gospel in action.

Grace for Grace – Glory to Glory (1336) 12-31-1966
When God gives us grace, it is not because we deserve it but it is that he might prepare us for more grace. When he gives His glory to us, it is that our capacity may be increased to receive even more glory.

Great 1-2 (0822, 0823) July 1980
It is too bad when the only way God can keep us humble is that we remain ignorant and don’t accomplish much. He wants us to learn and accomplish great things for Him. Elder Frazee warns us to avoid false humility and gives us ideas of what to say when we are complimented.

Great Disappointment (0347) Date N/A
In A.D. 31 and 1844, God’s people were surprised and disappointed. This must not happen when He makes His last move in the sanctuary. Are you prepared for this event? What happened in 1844?

Great Problem of Sin (0671) Date N/A
The greatest problem in the universe is the problem of sin.  One of our greatest problems with sin is that we fail to realize how serious and terrible it really is.  The process of removing sin from our lives is a painful one, and it should be painful.  But God wants to remove sin because that is the only way that we can really become happy.

Great Consolation (1164) 5-3-1957
Our great consolation is in what God has said not just in what He has done. His word is dependable and sure. When we rest on the Word of God we have great relief and consolation. The message is interspersed with music.

Greatest Gift (0752) 12-23-1982
It was on December 25, 1865 that God gave us the instruction that we were to establish our own sanitariums. It was also on Christmas Day in 1951 that Wildwood established its first sanitarium. In this, since the sanitarium work, is God’s Christmas present to the world.

Greatest Incentives (0070) 12-11-1971
The fear of Hell, the hope of Heaven, and the love of One who left Heaven and took the pains of Hell to save us.

Ground of Hope (0079) 11-3-1972
Your feelings, your victories, what other think of your progress ― none of these are to be your basis of hope. Jesus and His promises are the “anchor.”

Growth (1383)
We grow up into Christ when we accept the new things that He teaches us and allow Him to cut away our immaturity, sensitivity, and sin.

Guidance (0858) 5-5-1961
Some simple, practical suggestions on how to have God’s guidance in the little, daily duties in the home, the institution, or wherever you labor, as well as in the greater decisions of life.

Guidance to a Home Sanctuary 1-16 (1616-1631) Dates N/A
Sixteen studies on the principles of the Christian family, association and preparation for marriage.

Guiding Light of True Education (0834) 5-28-1960

Hammer (1663)

Hands of the Savior (0659) 11-5-1965
A thematic sermon which follows the theme of the blessed hands of Jesus–what they did for us, what they do for us and what will do for us.

Happiness Through the Word (0548) 2-1-1969
We find happiness when we follow the particular thing which God has told us do. The Bible and Spirit of Prophecy are filled with counsels that are not only for everyone in general, but many things are for each individual in particular.

Happy Managers 1-2 (0181, 0182) September 1978
God has given us the management of our love, either to keep to ourselves for selfish purposes or to use it as He intended – to love Him supremely and to love our fellow neighbors. We can only be happy managers when we manage our hearts the way that God designed them to operate.

Happy Managers 2-2 (0181, 0182) September 1978
God has given us the management of our love, either to keep to ourselves for selfish purposes or to use it as He intended – to love Him supremely and to love our fellow neighbors. We can only be happy managers when we manage our hearts the way that God designed them to operate.

Happy Pure Ones (0130) 9-12-1975
Our world abounds with impurity – impurity both by pollution and dilution. God is calling out a people who will be 100% for God and none for the Devil.

Hardest Word to Pronounce (0907) 1-12-1962
This one little word is the difference between those who will accept the mark of the beast and those who will receive the seal of God. We cannot say it to the Devil and to God at the same time. What is this little word? Read or listen to this sermon to find out.

Harvest of Revelation 14 (0562) 8-14-1964
At the end of the world there will be two harvests–one will be the harvest of those who have characters reproduced after Christ and the other will be after characters reproduced after Satan. The choices we make now of whether we will obey God or do our own selfish thing will lock our characters in one way or the other.

Harvest Time (0637) 11-22-1957
The end of the world will be the harvest of both the wicked and the righteous. Everyone’s character will be fully developed–ripened–the wicked will be just like Satan and the righteous will be just like Christ. How can we be sure we will develop like Jesus and not like Satan? Day by day we are either sowing to the flesh or to the spirit. The little choices we make day by day will determine which harvest we will be in.

Hastening the Coming of Jesus (0650) 7-17-1959
The Bible tells us that we are not only to look for but to hasten the coming of Jesus. How do we do that? By overcoming sin and witnessing. How are we enabled to do those things? By beholding Jesus at Calvary we learn to hate sin so much we can’t commit it and to love souls so much that we can’t bare to leave them unwarned.

Have Fled for Refuge (0680) 11-1-1963
One of Elder Frazee’s friends shares with him a scientific experiment that was done on lambs. The experiment gives us profound spiritual implications of what to do when we are in trouble.

He Hath Clothed Me (1023) 11-18-1966
There are four states of covering that Adam and Eve went through in the beginning: clothed with light, nakedness, fig leaves, and coats of skins. Until we get to Heaven we cannot wear the garments of light again, while we are in this world we must wear the coats of skins. The coats of skin represent the righteousness of Christ provided for us by His death. The road back to Eden is a road with thorns, thistles, and sacrifice. But it is through those very experiences that God fits us to once again wear those garments of light in Heaven.

He Leadeth Me (0303) 3-4-1977
The human heart longs for guidance. Some depend on astrology, we must look to the Creator. Are we willing to let Him lead?

He Shall Overcome (0059) 7-30-1971
Peter and Elijah were overcome, but they overcame at the last, like God. Genesis 49:19. You too can be an overcomer! It is not how many times you fall that counts as much as whether you got up the last time you fell.

He Slows His Pace (0068) 11-19-1972
The delay of the second advent shows God’s long-suffering ― not willing that any perish. He lingers to walk with us. Shall we walk faster and bring an end to His suffering? Christ is slowing down His pace so that you and I may be ready to meet Him when He comes.

Headed for Captivity (0585) 1970
When some of us are “exiled, treated as slaves,” may God help us to win souls as did Daniel and the little captive maid. They believed in Medical Missionary work and health reform as taught by the Spirit of Prophecy.

Healing and the Heavenly Sanctuary 10-22-1980
The truth of Christ’s ministry in the Heavenly Sanctuary brings spiritual and physical healing to us. Christ longs for us to take this stream of healing from the Heavenly Sanctuary to as many as will partake of it.

Health Message Given to SDA’s (0926) 10-13-1963
“Seventh-day Adventists have a health program as a part of the gospel message for this last generation. We didn’t invent it friends. It wasn’t some bright mind among us that thought it up. God put it right here in the heart of this last day gospel message in Revelation.”

Heart Surgery (1503) 6-12-1964
What if we had a tumor in the brain that made us feel really good but it continued to grow so that it threatened our lives? Worse than that, what if it altered our behavior so that it made us dangerous to our loved ones? What would you do, would you keep the tumor because it makes you feel good or would you have it taken out to protect your loved ones and yourself? The selfish heart that we naturally possess is that tumor. Will we let Christ give us a heart transplant?

Heavenly Realities (0824) 4-4-1980
A doctrinal sermon focused on proving the reality of the biblical two-apartment literal sanctuary in heaven.

Heaven’s Computer (1075) 9-10-1965
God keeps a record of all the actions of the saved and the lost. We will have to meet one or the other of those records one day. God has provided a way for us to be able to meet that judgment free and clear. This sermon explains how.

Heavy Load (0087) 3-9-1973
A crushing weight is our own or others’ sins. Trying to set everyone right, or being a “confessor” to them, is not our work. Let God carry the load.

Hebrews 12:1,2 (0318) 7-22-1977
There are three things these verses tell us about Jesus, and three things that we can do. Learn what they are.

Hebrews 4:14-16 (0112) 12-13-1974
Christ is with us regardless of what state we are in, and He desires that we become independent of all circumstances and utterly dependent upon Him.

Heirs – Tutors – Governors (0946) 9-28-1963
Through Christ we are heirs to the kingdom of Heaven in glory. But before we can partake of the inheritance to its fullness we must be guided as children and disciplined. Let us not mourn over the tutors and governors (trials, disappointments, unfair leaders, etc) whom God has ordained to educate us and refine us for Heaven.

Help Finish the Work (0631) 1-12-1968
One of the greatest things that God will use to help finish the work will be medical missionary evangelism. True medical missionary work is not only instructing people about a healthful lifestyle, but motivating them to have one themselves.

Herod’s Birthday Party (0966) 10-7-1966
Elder Frazee draws a parallel to the story of John the Baptist, Herodias, Salome and Herod to the people of God, the secular government, the papacy, and apostate Protestantism. The influence of wine, perverted appetite, gaiety, sensuality all weakened Herod’s conscience to make a rash vow. So those who would be pure in the final crisis must make sure that they are not eating, drinking, seeing or doing things that would weaken their consciousness and cause them to do what they never thought they would or could.

Hidden Hunger (0196) 2-7-1970
What youth really want. A comparison of physical hunger to spiritual hunger.

Hidden Roots (0407) 7-14-1972
God gives you your lifetime to decide what you really want. Are you spending it to buy “gold, raiment, and eye-salve”?

Hiding In Him (0180) 9-9-1978
Not any human being but Jesus Christ must be our hiding place. He is a shelter in the time of storm, and He can fulfill all our deepest needs.

Hiding of His Power (0704) 3-14-1964
The power of God is revealed in the sacrifice of Christ on the cross. Those wounds in His hands side, feet and head will bear a witness throughout eternity that will be a constant guard against any future rebellions.

Hiding Place From Every Wind 1-8 (0330-0337) December 1967
Eight studies pointing to Jesus as the Refuge from the blowing winds of lawlessness, persecution, formalism, fanaticism, heresy, and doubt.
1. Whirlwind of Lawlessness
2. Hurricane of Persecution
3. Icy Wind of Formalism
4. Burning Wind of Fanaticism
5. Pestilence Laden Wind of Heresy
6. Dust Storms of Doubt
7. Perfume Laden Breexes
8. Soft Zephyrs of Laodicea

Hindrances to Soul Winning (0139) 12-5-1975
Jesus said “I must be about my Father’s business” and would not be diverted by any means from the urgency of the hour.

His Appointment (0747) 10-22-1982
Elder Frazee took the “D” from “The Great Disappointment” and replaced it with a “His” reflecting how God changed that disappointment into His appointment to finish the atonement.

His Blood Be On Us (0697) 5-7-1982
“It is the mourning over sin that comes as you and I view Calvary and see the Son of God dying for us.  But my point tonight is that everyone of us is going to mourn over that crucifixion.  We will either mourn before our characters are fixed, and get repentance and conversion and salvation, or else when the character is set and hardened in transgression we shall mourn because of the terrible fact that dawns upon us that we have indeed been guilty of the murder of the Son of God, and that it is too late for us to do anything about it.”

His Body the Church (0633) 12-7-1957
What is a body without a head? Or, What is a head without a visible body? Christ’s visible body on earth is his organized church–the Seventh-day Adventist church. Each member is like a brick in a building or like a body part in a human being. We are need some chiseling in order to fit together and we all need to appreciate eachothers’ unique rolls in the church.

His Cross & Mine (0311) 5-14-1977
We can never exhaust this theme and it is very important to know Christ’s purpose in taking the cross and to what extent we take the cross. He provides the atonement we enter into the experience of death to sin.

Holding Us in His Hand (0702) 6-26-1964
If we are Christ’s, He holds us in His hand. And nothing can happen to us but what Heaven sees best. There is a very interesting story in this sermon about how God orchestrated events for a drafted soldier to get Sabbath off and not have to bear arms.

Holy Spirit and the Sanctuary 1-6 Download Part 1, audio (0218-0223) January-March 1968
When Christ was anointed as High Priest in the sanctuary above, the church below received the Holy Spirit. So in the closing work of the cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary the Holy Spirit is given in its fullness during the latter rain.
1. Moving of the Holy Spirit
2. Pentecost
3. Godhead United In All They Do
4. Blotting Out of Sin & Final Work
5. Church on Earth, Sanctuary in Heaven.
6. The Three Temples

Holy Spirit Is Communicated How? (0675) 5-18-1963 Zechari­ah 4:2-4
How do we receive the Holy Spirit and what is the Holy Spirit for? Elder Frazee explains the symbolism of Zechariah chapter 4 and how it answers those questions.

Home Influence (1593) 5-7-1966
Before Jesus comes, spiritual Elijah will return and restore the home. Elijah loved Israel enough to point out sin and call for reform. Those who heed the Elijah message will command their households after them. They will fearlessly denounce sin.

Home Leadership 1-10 (0756-0765) Dates N/A
Practical and spiritual instruction on how to lead in a home and how to manage students

Homecoming (0484) 10-14-1972
Till the final homecoming, Jesus’ prayer is, “I will that they be with Me where I am.”

Homeheading 1-13 (0792-0804) Dates N/A
This was a class given to Wildwood workers about the Biblical model of training by association. As Abraham, Elijah, Elisha, Christ, Ellen White and many others used the home to teach the way truth so God still delights to have people who are willing to take others into their home and train them how to have orderly and evangelistic homes of their own. This series of sermons was the basis behind the Home Leadership Textbook.

Hooks to Hang Doubts On (0388) 2-4-1972
There are texts and references on the state of the dead, Sabbath, vegetarianism, dress, education, church loyalty, etc., which are “hard to be understood.” God has allowed seeming discrepancies in His Word to test our faith.

How Can One Love? (0555) Date N/A
God motivates us to love by appealing to three great motives, the motive of love, the quest for happiness, and the dread of the results of sin.

How Do We Use Our Time? (0957) 9-17-1965
We have about 1/3 of our time spent sleeping. During weekdays many of us use about an third of our work days for work. So that leaves the third-third of our time to eat, commune with God, get from point A to Point B, etc. How eternal destiny will be greatly affected by how we use that third-third of our time. Elder Frazee shares practical ways for us to use our third-third the most wisely.

How Does Babylon Look to You? (1502) 6-5-1964
Comes back to my question, where is Babylon in your mind today? Do you look up to Babylon? Do you look up to this world, the men of this world? Are you awed when they get on the air and start telling you how to solve the problems of this hour? Do you become captivated? The people that are on the narrow way, they hear sounds that come from the abyss below, friend. But where are they? Above. They know that Babylon is fallen clear down the pit.

How Faith, Hope, & Love Develop (0624) 8-24-1968
The things that will abide are faith, Hope and Love. How can we get more of them? Faith is not developed by seeing things, but by believing in things we cannot see. And so hope is not developed by having things but by longing for something which we do not now possess. The greatest of the trio–love– is developed by giving.

How God Answers Prayer (0123) Date N/A
We would like to be made so we could see, so we could read the details of the future, but God has a better plan and promises to “lead the blind by the way they know not.”

How God Gives His Life To Us (0925) 10-11-1963
God gave Adam and Eve life in the beginning, but He continues to give us sustaining life through the things that He has made (air, water, food, light, etc). These are the things that the Devil has perverted so that instead of getting life from the things God intended, we get death. These things all have a spiritual application as well.

How Men May Become Right With God 1-2 (1014, 1015) January & February 1967
Elder Frazee Presents justification in the light of how it glorifies God but humbles man to the dust.

How Much Light Do You Want? (0619) 11-7-1969
Jesus is the Light, but He is moving forward; and all who wish to stay in the light must follow Him. All we have to do to be in darkness is refuse or neglect to continue to walk in the light. Until Jesus comes again, we must be constantly advancing heavenward.

How the Christian Grows (0923) 3-15-1961
We grow spiritually just like we grow physically–by eating, breathing and exercise. Our eating is by studying the Word of God and learning to eat for ourselves rather than being spoon-fed. Our spiritual breathing is through prayer by exhaling out our guilt, sin, and burdens and inhaling in faith, courage, victory and love. We exercise by resisting the Devil and drawing our souls in work for others.

How to Be a Winner 1-5 (1016-1020) November & December 1981
No one has to be a loser with God. He wants us all to be winners, victors over sin. Elder Frazee goes over several simple-yet-deep points on how to be victorious in Christ.

How to Be Happy (0285) 4-13-1976
If we desire to follow Christ but fail to accept all the changes that He leads us to make, then we will be most miserable. The key to happiness is to follow Christ’s way, even when it is contrary to the world’s way. The world’s way of dating and marriage leads to misery. God’s plan of courtship will bring happiness, but only if it is kept pure from the world’s ideas.

How to Be in Orbit for God 1-2 (1077, 1078) April 1962
A message that is good for all ages but especially for young people. Elder Frazee parallels how the planets operate as individuals yet they are held together in systems by gravity, and similarly how God has created us all to be unique yet we are to work together in a restraining pull of love.

How to Be Perfect (0141) 1-7-1979
A sermon about proper raising of children in the environment of Wildwood. Mastering the art is learning to be perfect.

How to Be Saved (1157) 9-6-1958

How to Exercise Faith (0940) 2-22-1963

How to Get Help (0872) 9-16-1961

How to Get Through the Waters (0460) 10-17-1964
The waters are symbols of challenges that we must go through in our Christian walk. How do we get through those challenges? The Bible tells of several methods: God can part the Red Sea, Jesus can walk on the water, and we can swim through the waters like Ezekiel.

How to Give Health Talks (1442-1449)
(Now under new name: Practical Laws of Health)
6 health lectures given to a general audience on the basic laws of health with the spiritual reasons for health reform

How to Grow a Witness (0121) 4-7-1956
Our children trained in natural simplicity will give The Loud Cry. Submission to parents by children and youth will have been learned by Jesus’ example.

How to Hasten His Coming (0109) 1-4-1974
Jesus will not come ’til the harvest is ripe. To be overcomers, we must “become intensely interested in the salvation of others.”

How to Help on Friday Night 1-2 (1595-1596) 11-14-1976
In the first part of this series, Elder Frazee challenges the congregation to consider the Wildwood Friday night vesper’s meeting as primarily an evangelistic meeting.  He calls them to reverence for the worship service but also that they may meet, greet and be sweet to any visitors.  Good principles for training church members for evangelism.
The Second part deals with the Romans 14 principle of giving liberty to others to follow their conscious while we follow our own conscious.  This attitude of love and acceptance of others is essential for soul winning.  He ends with a great testimony of the establishment of many self-supporting institutions.

How to Help Others (0943) 8-23-1963
We help others if we have something to offer which they have not. If we complain about our lack of resources we will not be able to be a help to others. This is an excellent message for those who or will be counselors

How to Know God’s Will (0209) 8-20-1976
God guides us through His Word, through providence, through impressions of the Holy Spirit and through the counsel of our brethren. We often misinterpret these channels of guidance but even our mistakes are an important part of learning how to be guided by God.

How to Live 1-12 (0251-0262) 1964
Twelve studies dealing with the basic principles each Christian must know in order to live a victorious life.
1. Communion
2. To Be Alone With God
3. Gods Plan and Our Plan
4. Listening Attitude
5. Do What You Know
6. Worthy or Unworthy
7. Not by Bread Alone
8. Self-Denial
9. Healthful Living
10. Develop Your Potential
11. How Did Jesus Live
12. Influence of Association

How to Prepare (0117) Date N/A
A mind stored with the Word and health principles that are practiced and taught, a personal fellowship with Jesus, our money transferred into souls this will prepare us for the famine ahead.

How to Quit Sinning (0148) Date N/A
Seeing how terrible sin is by looking at what it cost God will cause us to quit sinning. His suffering which is in proportion to His love continues until we are through with sin.

How to Solve Problems 1-8 (0339-0346) 1960
Practical solutions for everyday problems that will help prepare you for the final test. You will learn about how to know God’s will, dealing with difficult people, enduring trials and most importantly how our failures can help prepare us for the final examination.
1.The Book of Providence
2. The ABCs of Problem Solving
3. Cast All Your Care – Unload
4. Respect the Means He Employs
5. Facing Failure
6. Gearing in With Others
7. Book of Life
8. Channels of Guidance

How to Win Souls (1021) 11-4-1966
We win souls not only by pleading with them directly but by pleading with god for them. It takes both personal appeals with the individual and private soul wrestling with God.

How to Witness (1597) 11-30-1976

Husbands and Wives 1-8 Download Part 1, audio Part 1, PDF (1450-1457) October 1969
Eight heart-to-heart talks on how to have success in marriage.
1. Therefore Shall a Man Leave His Father
2. This is a Great Mystery
3. Entereth in Within the Veil
4. Everyone That Loveth Knoweth God
5. My Beloved is Mine
6. The Incense of Love
7. Be Fruitful and Multiply
8. Jacob’s Ladder

Hypnosis and Darkness (0833) 5-27-1960
The Devil is hypnotizing very many with the darkness of modern-day education. Elder Frazee gives several inspiring stories of the superiority of God’s plan of true education.

I Do Believe (0541) 2-7-1969
God promises great things to those who believe. Often, God cannot use us as He wants to because of our lack of belief in Him. The faith that God is looking for in us is not the faith that says “I believe God will bless” but “I believe God has and does bless.” This is the faith that thanks God for giving us what we have asked for even before we see the answer to our prayers.

I Have Chosen You (0932) 7-20-1968
Similar to the Meeting God’s Heart Need 1-8 series. God has chosen me as though I were the only one in all the world. God loves you and has chosen you for a special purpose that only you can fulfill.

I Love Jesus (0819) 9-21-1980
“I love Jesus, so I love His appearing. I love Jesus, so I love His cross. I love Jesus, so I love His sanctuary. I love Jesus, so I love His law. I love Jesus, so I love His Sabbath. I love Jesus, so I love His Word. I love Jesus, so I love His testimonies. I love Jesus, so I love His remnant church. Thank God. We are rich.”

I Love The Sabbath (0113) Date N/A
To point us to creation, to remind us of redemption, as a sign of sanctification, as a pledge that there is enough time for all we need to do, and as a “family togetherness” day. How I love the Sabbath!

I Love Thy Law (0575) Date N/A
David said that he loved God’s law. He didn’t merely tolerate it, or barely accept it but he loved it. When we love God’s law obedience is not based on feeling but on the most powerful motive in the universe.

I Must Die (0038) 1-25-1969
Jesus had no other way to save us but to die in our place. The only way that I can ultimately benefit from Christ’s death the way God wants me to is to die to sin.

I Must Work (0321) 9-22-1972
A practical study on the place of physical work in character development. Work brings happiness and God-like joy of accomplishment.

I Shall Not Want (0639) 9-28-1957
When David said that he shall not “want” (lack), it was solely because the Lord was his shepherd. God supplied David’s needs for surviving, and most importantly he supplied his soul needs so that he was content. If the Lord is our Shepherd, we too can find this confiding contentment.

I Will Give You Rest (0518) 3-23-1976
Jesus promises to give us rest if we take His yoke. His yoke is easy, but it is not a “rocking chair.” There are endless things that need to be done, but we are counseled to only tackle one problem at a time.

I Will Guide Thee (0612) 9-30-1968

I Will Guide Thee (1346) 5-24-1968
God promises to guide us if we are in tune to hear His voice. His voice is too often drowned out by the noise of the TV, cares of this life and other things so that we are left without the Lord’s guidance.

I Will Not Rest 1-2 (1589, 1590) April 1966
Since God is love, He lets His creatures choose His or the Devil’s plan. God tried to demonstrate the genius of His plan through the nation of Israel, since they failed it is up to the Advent Movement
to finish that demonstration. We are not to rest, we must constantly be reminded that the honor of God’s kingdom is at stake until the fullness of His great demonstration is accomplished through His church. The process of making this great demonstration is like the process of a garden growing to its

If (0594) 6-22-1963
“If” is either directly stated or implied in all of God’s promises to us. “If” applies only to us, because God has given us the power of choice to decide to obey or rebel. We should never give any “ifs” to God.

If Any Man (0316) 6-13-1976
The word “if” shows there are conditions. The word “any” tells that all can if they will. Every provision has been made for every man.

If Ye Know These Things (0485) 7-9-1976
Christ promises us happiness on condition of obedience. Elder Frazee shares 5 very practical health and spiritual things to do that will make of happy.

I’m Very Sure 1-4 (0224-0227) April 1968
Four studies showing how nature, revelation, and personal experience unite to give us a sure foundation of belief.

Imminent Crisis (0145) 10-21-1976
This sermon reveals the various ways in which Satan works against God’s people in the remnant church.

Implanted Word (0910) 2-10-1962
The necessity and benefits to planting the Word of God in our hearts

In the Hands of the Potter (1030) 9-8-1967
God wants to mold us into His character like a potter molds clay into a beautiful pot. The Devil is competing though; he wants to mold us after the world. It is up to us whose character we chose to be molded into.

In My Name (0958) 10-15-1965
There is power and peace in Jesus’ name. There are four things that get in the way of experiencing that peace and power. The first two are not making room in our hearts for it, and not trusting God that He will give it to us now. The last two are an over emphasis on works and an under emphasis on works.

In the Beginning (1102) Date N/A
“Man’s words, if of any value, echo the words of God.” The foundation of Greek philosophy? Doubt. True science is to know what God says. To know it, you must believe.

In the Nick of Time (0886) 10-7-1975
The world loves to make phony dramas about heroes who save the day just in the nick of time. People get all excited about those phony things. However, in working for God, we get to see God work again and again just in the nick of time to save His work. That is something real to get excited about.

Increasing Light In Deepening Darkness (0841) 6-23-1960
Since our church began in the mid 1800s, the darkness in the world has been deepening and the signs of Christ’s return have been increasing. Yet, the glorious light of God’s truth has been increasing and will continue to.

Inducements In Program (0735) 4-8-1960
A challenge to the workers at Wildwood and to anyone in self-supporter work to examine their motives for being in self-supporting work. Do we attract workers through inducements or by the call of God?

Inquire of Me (A – I Will Give You Rest) (0519) 3-23-1976
Question and answer period

Intoxication of Babylon’s Wine (1091) Date N/A
Elder Frazee discusses the literal effects of alcohol on the system. He uses that as an illustration of how the Devil works to get us drunk both with literal alcohol and with fiction or anything that deadens the senses by silencing the conscience.

Invisible-Visible (1588) 4-16-1966
We tend to believe that everything we see is real and what we don’t see is imaginary. But in God’s scheme of things the opposite is true–what we see is the temporal and is often deceptive but what we don’t see–God, angles Heaven and faith, are the things which are true and eternal. We should learn to see more with the eye of faith.

Is Christ Divided? (0178) 7-25-1978
As the greatest nutritionist will not get the nutrients contained in a loaf of bread unless he eats of it, so theology, knowledge, and religious discussion alone will not provide the power promised in John 1:12.

Isaac or Ishmael (0543) 7-27-1968
The plan of Hagar bearing a child for Abraham was in harmony with the customs of the time, it was scientific, it worked. But God didn’t accept a substitute for strict obedience. Will He today?

Isaiah 40:11 (1340) 5-13-1967
God wants us to prepare the way for Him in His second coming as John the Baptist prepared the way for Him at His first coming.  Isaiah used the imagery of how a king’s subjects would prepare the way for him by leveling out the hills and filling up the valleys to make a passage for the king, to prophesy of the work of John the Baptist.  God wants to do the same work with us by smoothing out our high, rough points and filling up our inadequate points.

Isaiah 58:1-8 (0111) Date N/A
If you want your prayers to be heard and be in fellowship with Jesus, follow the counsel of Isaiah 58 in helping others.

It Is Finished (1074) 1959
The Sabbath commemorates that God completed the creation in six days. At the cross, Christ completed the work of redemption. In each case, “it was done” or completed. So in the end of time, God will have a people ready that will fully demonstrate His character and His work of vindicating His law will be done.

It Takes Both (0155) 6-20-1978
The gifts that God has given to His church are for the purpose of unifying us. Being united in faith does not necessarily mean that we will agree on every minor point and detail. It does mean that we will be united on the pillars of the church and that we don’t make prominent the minor differences.

It’s Your Choice (0416) 6-23-1978
Each individual is responsible for his response to God. Nothing can keep him from being saved or nothing can make him be saved. Each person must decide for himself.

Jail Breakers or Jail Shakers (1347) 5-25-1968
Paul and Silas praised God in the very midst of cruel injustice, misrepresentation, and affliction. When they were in jail for the truth’s sake, the whole prison shook, and they had an opportunity to “break” the jail; but they were more interested in the soul of the jail keeper. So today, God is seeking for those who are more interested in saving souls than fighting for their rights, seeking comfort, or complaining of their circumstances.

Jealousy and Love (0010) Date N/A
We should plead with God to give us love that is as strong as death and jealousy that is hard, that won’t give up.

Jesus Has Faith In His Church, Do You? (0556) 7-30-1964
Despite His disciples strife over who was to be the greatest and their other problems, Christ revealed that He had faith that His church would pass the test and drink with Christ again in the kingdom of glory. Do we have that same faith that Christ had in the church, that it will ultimately go through?

Jesus Leads (0947) 11-16-1979
“God is trying to lead me into a place where my weaknesses will come to light. What for? So I can put them away. So I can strengthen my weak points.”

Jesus’ Mother (0547) 9-14-1976
Very similar to “Married to the Work”(0638). Only this one does not only deal with how we are to care for the work of God has a whole but how we should care for individuals.

Jesus Took the Towel (0663) 1-30-1959
The majority of Christ’s life on earth was spent as a practical laboring man. Even when He began His public ministry, He never left practical labor out of His program. Jesus is our example in this; we are never to neglect practical duties.

Jesus: Word, Light, and Life of God (0973) 10-8-1966
An exegetical message on John chapter one.

John 13:7 (1122) 11-2-1976
Jesus told Peter that there were things that he didn’t understand then but he would understand in the future. So for us, all may not be clear to us now but we must use all that we do understand is from God and to make decisions even though we are liable to make a wrong one.

John 14:1-3 (0487) 4-19-1974
Why is it reasonable to trust God? He always has the wisdom, power, and love to do what we need. “Taste and see.”

John 17 1-2 (0953, 0954) Dates N/A
Two studies covering some of the deep insights to be discovered in John 17. This chapter not only calls for unity but division.

John and Judas (1110) 9-19-1958
“In Judas’ case where there was love and selfishness to start with, the selfishness kept getting bigger and finally crowded out love altogether. With John it was just the opposite. Although there was selfishness, plenty of it when he came to Jesus, underneath Jesus recognized some love that God Himself had put there. And thank the Lord, under the ministration of Jesus, John allowed that selfishness to be reproved and rebuked, those selfish ambitions to be disappointed, those faults to be pointed out, and love for his Master grew and grew until finally, thank the Lord, it crowed out selfishness altogether.”

John the Baptist (0158) Date N/A
What God sought to do for Israel through John the Baptist before the first advent of Jesus, He seeks to do on a much wider scale before the second advent of Christ.

Jonah and the Sanctuary (1348) 5-31-1968
Jonah directed his prayer to God in the sanctuary. It would be well for us to remember each time we pray where Christ is and the work He is trying to complete.

Joshua and the Angel (0705) 5-8-196
Powerful message about the Zechariah’s prophecy. When God punishes us for our sins, He doesn’t appreciate anyone who tries to add to the punishment, either other people or ourselves. When Christ forgives us He completely removes the old filthy garment of sin. Yet the Devil, day and night continues to point out the sins that Christ has forgiven. Will we listen to God or the Devil?

Joy in the Lord (0745) 6-25-1982
One of Elder Frazee’s finest messages about the deep and abiding Joy that only God can give and how we can experience that joy. It is the joy of love in following God not in getting everything we want.

Joy of Forgiveness (0118) 3-7-1975
An unforgiving heart cannot fully accept God’s forgiveness. There is a blessing in forgiving others.

Joy of Love – Joy of the Lord (0836) 7-11-1958
God offers us not a gloomy service but one that is filled with joy. This joy is not what most people think it is. It is not the pleasure of having our own way or in doing things for ourselves but the real secret of true and lasting joy is the joy in unselfish-continual-service.

Joyous Giving (0731) 2-3-1966
A unique insight into the topic of Christian stewardship. Elder Frazee discusses the principles behind giving, and how there are many considerations when planning to give.

Judgment 1-11 (1260-1270) March 1965
Eleven studies on the Ten Commandments in light of the judgment being carried on in the heavenly sanctuary.
1. The Bridegroom Came
2. Our Advocate
3. The Books Were Opened
4. To Discover Who Is Worthy
5. Papal Power
6. Court Summons
7. Complete Happiness
8. Executive Judgment
9. The Wedding Feast
10. The Fifth Commandment
11. First Commandment – First Angel’s Message

Just Shall Live By Faith (0918) 12-27-1963
The real way to “have a life” is by faith. Faith is a super-sense that doesn’t evade natural law but it transcends it. A life of faith is a life filled with holy adventure.

Justified (0025) 11-26-1971
Paul and James agree that works are the evidence of the faith that lays hold on the blood of Christ, supplied by God’s grace.

Keep Looking to Jesus Only (0710) 7-3-1964

When we look to people, even honest well meaning people whom God is leading, we will either be led astray or greatly disappointed. Jesus is the only safe one to look to for everything.

Keep On Praying (0700) 5-24-1964 Luke 18:1
We can have true peace if we keep on praying even when our prayers don’t seem to be, being answered. The delays to our prayers are often God’s way of strengthening our faith by letting us exercise it against resistance.

Key (1158) 2-6-1959
This sermon is about how to use the key of prayer in the hand of faith to access the storehouse of God’s riches.

Key to Stress Control (0815) 4-11-1981
“The matter of stress control is not dependent on the amount of stress, but on the amount of the power to deal with it. A little stress can be fatal if there is nothing to deal with it. A large amount of stress can be met if there is strength to deal with it.”

Keys to the Kingdom (0584) Date N/A
A study on two of the keys the words of Christ and prayer. If we learn how to use these two keys, we have access to all the rest.

Kicking Against the Pricks (0715) 2-22-1958
“The man who is kicking against the pricks is persecuting Jesus. That is the thing I want you to see. The man who is violating his conscience, who has put himself out of gear with man and God, who has chosen the way of disobedience, is persecuting Jesus.”

King or Slave? (0352) 8-14-1976
Strength of character consists of power of the will and power of self-control. The ability to rule one’s spirit makes a king; the lack of self-control makes a slave.

Knowing God 1-2 (0200- 0201) December 1968
Two tapes on how to know the voice of God and to make decisions.
1. Love, Wisdom, Power
2. Knowledge of God

Knowing God’s Will 1-2 (1358-1359) March 1978

Lamb and Priest (0007) 5-28-1976
How Jesus is our sacrificial Lamb and our High Priest. The Lamb dies for us – the Priest lives for us it takes both.

Lamb and Wolf (0634) 12-6-1957

Lamb and Wolf (0634) 12-6-1957
Jesus said that He has sent us out as Lambs among wolves. We are to be lambs and respond as lambs would to the abuse and cruelty of the wolves. We are never to bit and devour our enemies and much less our brethren in the church.

Lamb or Beast? (0108) Date N/A
In earth’s last hour, there will be two groups of people: those who reflect the image of the beast, and those who reflect the character of Jesus fully. Who are we admiring and imitating today?

Laurelbrook Studies 1-3 (1368-1370) 1970
A series of studies that Elder Frazee has with the staff and students at Laurelbrook concerning how to make conscientious decisions about issues when others don’t agree and how God makes up for our deficiencies.

Law and Happiness (0722) 7-31-1965
God did not give us the law to make us miserable but happy. In this message Elder Frazee also shares many helpful principles of child rearing.

Leadership (0950) 1-15-1980
Elder Frazee share lessons on leadership from the life of Joshua. Joshua was a successful leader because he sought out God’s will and then obeyed it without questioning. He also was able to get the congregation of Israel to unite with him in following God’s commands. God is looking for Joshua’s today.

Learn of Me – Meekness (1052) 8-3-1957
God wants to bless us and exalt us but the way he does that is completely contrary to natural human thinking. They way He exalts us and blesses us is by teaching us to be meek. That is how he made Moses great. That is why John the Baptist was so great, because God had made him so meek.

Learn to Know the Voice of God (0072) 7-23-1971
The great object of education is to learn to know the voice of God. Follow your own convictions, but “in every gentle and submissive way” try to please others.

Learning Faith at the Cross (0542) 2-8-1969
When learn faith when we come to the cross and see how our sins have wounded Christ to death. This should make us sorrowful enough to quit sin.

Led By the Spirit (1012) 12-2-1966
The Spirit of God leads us by convicting us of duty and sin. If we want the Spirit’s guidance in knowing what to do in life we must first and continue to follow the Spirit’s convictions.

Left, Right, or Center? Download (0876) 11-30-1962
Compromise and criticism are to the right and left of God’s road. Several check points are given to help you know where you are. The Devil doesn’t care which extreme we go to, compromise or criticism, as long as he gets our eyes off of Jesus. This sermon shows the dangers of both sides and what the truth position entails.

Less Attempted, More Achieved (0399) 3-24-1972
A practical study on how to accomplish more for God by being moderate in what you attempt to do.

Lessons From Gardening (0167) Date N/A
Prayer, Bible study, and witnessing, mixed with faith, will produce a character fit for translation. But it cannot happen overnight. Righteousness by faith grows just like the physical garden grows.

Lessons From October 22, 1844 (0608) 10-21-1975
A very strong sermon but necessary for the solemn times in which we live. Elder Frazee calls us to a higher life of commitment to Christ and His standards that our sins may be blotted out.

Lessons From Surgery (0325) 9-8-1972
Offending parts are to be cut out, even if useful in the past. When an offending member is removed from the church body, all the members suffer.

Lessons From the Ladder (0084) 12-15-1972
Where we are on the ladder is not so important as the direction in which we are headed. This is determined by who we are looking at. Jesus’ life covers as we climb up.

Lessons From the Last Supper (1632) 4-23-1965

Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled (0739) 3-15-1958
A very short message about the things that can trouble our hearts and how to have peace as we overcome them.

Liberty – Knowing His Will (1080) 11-16-1968
We don’t have to be anxious about knowing God’s will. We can have the liberty from stress and worry when we follow the best light we know and continually strive to learn and follow more.

Life Guard (0456) 8-10-1979
We are one of three kinds of people, we are life guards seeking to save others, we are drowning, or we have just been rescued. As soon as we are rescued we should become life guards.

Life More Abundantly (0708) 11-14-1964
Jesus came, that men might have life and that they might have it more abundantly. He wants people to be supremely happy. And whiskey won’t make them happy and beer won’t. In fact, if they get beer, it will lead them to what? To whiskey. It is the upward way that leads away, from all of that kind or reasoning. It gives us the abundant life. And so in the question of dress, amusement and many other topics, Jesus is seeking to lead us into a world of beauty and heavenly attractiveness that is as far away from the world, as Canaan is from Egypt.

Life of Christ (1654) 12-25-1959
A beautiful summary of Christ’s life on earth all in 46 minutes.

Light and Sight (1655) 1-14-1967
We cannot see without light, but all the light in the world will not help a blind man that doesn’t have sight. God must give the light of His salvation, but it takes the gift of sight to see it and appreciate it.

Light of the World (0980) 6-10-1966
Jesus is the light of the World. If we want to follow Jesus and shine for Him in a dark world we will be quite different than the world around us. We cannot have darkness if we want the light.

Light on the Will of God (1632)
God doesn’t bring us light in spite of darkness out of darkness. In other words, God gives His light right out of the very things which would seem to discourage–out of trials, temptations and difficulties.

Lighter Load (0275) 2-23-1973
Guilt for the past, the neglects or slights of others, the love of money, the burden of household cares ― these are some of the loads that Jesus longs to lift from us.

Limited or Without Measure (0879) 6-1-1962

Little Differences Dwelt Upon (0338) 6-21-1978

L-I-V-E E-V-I-L (0899) 10-19-1962

Living Sacrifice (0170) Date N/A
We are each to be a living sacrifice. As such, we must be bound to the altar. It is at the altar of sacrifice that we meet God.

Look and Live (1011) 1-13-1967
As the Israelites were bitten by serpents and were told that they must look a brazen serpent to live, so we who have the infection of sin are bidden to look to Jesus to live. the very act of looking to Jesus means that we are looking away from ourselves. it means that we look to Him rather than to politics, problems and ourselves.

Look Away form Darkness to the Light (Previously named: Guiding Light of True Education) (0834) 5-28-1960
We want to look to look away from the darkness of hypnosis, discouragement, and our own faults of others. Jesus is the light and we must look to Him only.

Look to Christ (0374) 1-21-1972
“Look unto Me,” “Come to Me,” “Follow Me,” “Love Me” is the formula for successful living. Quoting promises, praying, and singing will help you to gain the victory.

Look Unto Jesus (0597) 3-25-1983
”When we look to man, trouble grows. When we look to Jesus, trouble goes.”

Look Unto Me (0754) 1-15-1982
“Jesus has made us accepted in the beloved. So we are a part of God’s elect as we accept Him, for He has accepted us. We reflect His image and glory as we behold Him. He has promised to direct our ways and to protect us. Praise be to His wonderful name.”

Looking For and Hastening (0678) 1-4-1963
Elder Frazee uses the story of the release of the Cuban refugees to illustrate how the homecoming of God’s children to Heaven when Jesus comes again: “If you had been among those Cuban refugees down in Miami who had been waiting weeks and months for the arrival of their loved ones, you would have a little picture of what I mean.  They waited a long time for their loved ones to come.  Jesus has been waiting a long time for His loved ones to come.  In this prison house of a world they are held, and Jesus longs for the homecoming.  It isn’t a lack of ransom.  That has already been provided.  But the prisoners of this world are not anxious to get out of this world as those prisoners in Cuba were to get out of jail.”

Looking to God 1-2 (1328, 1329) September 1968 We receive help, salvation, and all we need by looking away from ourselves and looking unto Jesus. Includes a study on prayer.

Looking to Jesus (1330) 1-15-1971
The answer to our all problems is to look away from ourselves and look to Jesus. Even sins that we must overcome, the sins of others, or anything we think is good in mankind will drag us down if we look in that direction. God has designed our eyes so that they can only look in one direction at a time. So if we look at Jesus, we cannot look at self.

Looking Unto Jesus (0677) 2-8-1963
This is a masterpiece sermon on righteousness by faith! Looking to Jesus, we see clearly how sinful and inadequate we are. However, at the same time, we see how much God loves us and wants us have the assurance that He will save us.

Lord Our Righteousness (1107) 8-20-1966
Perhaps one of Elder Frazee’s best messages on righteousness by faith. This sermon explores how we can practically overcome sin yet not have anything of which to boast. How we can be freed from our idols yet understand that we are just as undeserving of grace after we give up our sins as we were before we confessed our sins.

Lord, Teach Us To Pray 1-4 (0271-0274) November & December 1961
Principles on how to pray effectually.

Love (1097) 6-26-1959
“How much do you love Him? Wouldn’t it be wonderful to love Him enough to not only do everything He has made plain, but to love Him enough to go to Him and say, ‘Lord, is there something more you would like to have me do? Is there something you would like to have me give you that I haven’t given you?’ And the more we love Him, the more we will want to do it.”

Love – How Expressed (1112) 10-3-1958
Love is like the wind and electricity–the only way we see it is through its effects. So what are some external ways in which love can be seen; in which it is expressed? Elder Frazee lists 8:
1). Though the effort to please.

2). Through sacrifice

3). Through obedience.

4). Through requiring obedience or leadership.

5). Through hating sin.

6). Through hard work

7). Through praise and thanksgiving.

8). Through clinging unto souls until they are saved.

Love – Sacrifice (1154) 8-8-1958
“I would like to study the divine plan. It centers in two great objectives — to reveal His love, and to crucify and put to death selfishness. Everything God asks us to do is with that double purpose. Anything God wants you and me to fit into is to get a clearer view of His love, and lay the axe deeper and deeper at the root of the tree of human selfishness.”

Love and Sacrifice (1098) 6-27-1959
True love cannot exist without a willingness to sacrifice. In other words, love will willingly deny itself of even good things for the good of the ones it loves. The Devil’s plan is to sell us on the idea that we can have love, or honor or success without sacrifice.

Love Is the Fulfilling of the Law (0554) Date N/A
Love is the whole purpose of the law. When we love as God as designed we should we have fulfilled the law. The issue with love is the priority list. The only way it works is when we follow God’s divine order of loving Him first with everything and then loving others with the love that God directs and ourselves last.

Love of God (1150) 11-28-1958
The important thing is not about how much we love God but about how much He loves us. All the best human love of the ages if it could be added up would be just a tiny trickle compared to the mighty ocean of God’s great love. God is saddened when we doubt His
love or question if He can forgive us.

Love That Hates (1079) 3-13-1981
“We are in a generation where love is used in many ways; often in a weak, sentimental manner.  But the love of God is strong.  It is strong enough to hate.”

Love, The Basis Of Reform (0197) Date N/A
Love to God and a sense of how much we mean to Him must be the basis of reform.

Love’s Watching (1333) 12-15-1967
Christ tells us to watch. But He asks us to watch because He loves us and wants us to show our love for Him by watching for every opportunity to please Him and watch out for anything that would displease Him.

Loyalty or Rebellion (1505) 9-18-1964
The riots in the 60s had many people’s attention. Elder Frazee used the sad realities of the times as examples of what happens when any of God’s laws are set aside or neglected. He goes through several of the Ten Commandments and shows how Christendom today is breaking them.

Luke 15:3-7 (0039) 8-17-1979
“If you have never given yourself to Jesus, won’t you do it tonight and join His army? If you have given yourself to Jesus in the past, but you have gotten busy with other things, won’t you tonight make up your mind that your business is to win souls? That won’t make you careless about your housework or about your business, friends. It will mean that your housework and business will be the means of soul-winning.”

Made Perfect in Weakness (0405) 6-17-1972
You don’t have to wait until your problems are solved to come to God or work for Him. You supply the weakness.

Magnetic Power 1-2 (0904, 0905) October 1962
“That which overcomes the attractive power of any magnet is simply the pull of a greater magnet.  What you and I need as we recognize there are things pulling at us from various directions in our own nature and in the nature of others is to be brought within the magnetic field of a magnet far more powerful than all these pulls of sin and selfishness:’And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto Me.'” John 12:32.

Make Ready a People (0791) Date N/A
Before Jesus comes again, He will prepare a people that are ready to meet Him. In order to be ready, we must look to Jesus. The devil has four other things that he wants us to look to so that we look away from Christ: the pleasures of the world, life’s perplexities and sorrows, the faults of others, and our own faults.

Making A Difference (0063) 8-27-1971
Because we differ so widely in our backgrounds, the only way to be really fair in our dealings with one another is to “make a difference.” Jesus didn’t treat all the disciples alike.

Man’s Ifs and God’s Ifs (0928) Date N/A
When we are faced with trials and temptations, we are tempted to question Christ as Martha and Mary did: “If you had just done thus and so, thus and so won’t have happened.” God responds to us in our hardships with another “if” … “If thou wouldst believe, thou shouldst see the glory of God.” (John 11:40)

Many Infallible Proofs 1-4 (1600-1503) April 1982
The introductions to each of these messages are filled with exciting testimonies of what God was doing through various Wildwood projects. The actual messages cover the “proofs” of the gospel – prophecy, the powerful influence of Christ’s life, His acts of mercy and healing, the Advent movement, and how it changes lives even today, to the point of the final demonstration.

Marriage and the Home 1-2 (0457-0458) July 1968
The sanctuary in heaven teaches us the most important lessons that we can learn about the family home here on earth. Starting a family is a solemn act, as the dedication of the sanctuary was. For those who will follow Christ in His work in the sanctuary, He as the most precious and powerful mysteries to reveal in the home.

Married to the Work (0638) 11-29-1957
God has arranged that, in the ideal home, it is the husband who is to support the wife that he marries. So, in a sense, those who have been called to work for God are to “marry the work.” They are responsible for supporting the work and not to look to the work as something that is to either support or advance them.

Measure of God’s Love (1029) 7-29-1967
“And the love of God has gone out into a lost world, and is hunting souls. God has asked you and me, to get involved with Him in this, my dear friends. To give our lives, to the thing that He gave His life for. Shall we do it? Shall we send Him the word this morning, that we are heart to heart with Him?”

Measuring Progress (0089) 3-23-1973
“God does not intend that you and I shall get comfort or satisfaction out of measuring our own progress as we see our lives.  He does intend that we shall find our comfort in a progressive revelation of the perfection of God.”

Medical Evangelism 1-3 (1604-1606) May 1972
A series of stirring presentations on the heart, mission and future of medical evangelism give to a convention of medical practitioners.
1. The Heart of Medical Evangelism
2. The Mission of Medical Evangelism
3. The Future of Medical Evangelism

Medical Evangelistic Thrust 1-4 (1506a-1509b) November 1977
Four studies given at the 3rd Annual Seminar in Physiology and Medicine.The relationship of the 3 angels messages to health work.

Medical Missionary Nurse 1-6 (0019-0024) August-October 1979
A recorded class that Elder Frazee taught on training medical missionary workers.
1. Everyone Has a Work To Do
2. Be a Channel
3. Reach Teach Preach
4. What to Teach
5. Self-supporting
6. Summary of Three Parts

Medical Missionary Work – Cure for Selfishness (1034) 6-14-1959
The experience of Israel and the disciples show the importance of following God’s way in our work ― the way of love, not selfishness.

Medical Missionary Work Largely Spiritual (0415) 4-12-1963
9/10ths of all diseases start in the mind, and many of those are spiritually related. The greatest thing about health work is not to make healthy sinners but to touch the people’s hearts through practical ways that we may reach their souls for Christ.

Medical Missionary Work 1-3 (0248-0250)
A warm , heart-to-heart series of messages to Wildwood Workers about how to use medical missionary work for witnessing and in their work at Wildwood.

Medical Seminar 1-4 (1133-1136) October 1979

Meditations at the Manger (0734) 12-26-1960
The Lord will use simple methods to finish the work.

Meditations of the Cross 1-2 (1155-1156) 1958

Meek Inherit (0127) 8-8-1975
Not those who seek out the best for themselves but those who are truly humble will be in Heaven. Pride is manifested in so many ways, in opinion, in accomplishments and even in religious exercises.

Meeting God’s Heart Need 1-8 Download Part 1, audio (0228-0235) April 1972
See the love of God  for you in a whole new way – from His perspective – how He created you to meet His heart need. This is a concept that can revolutionize your understanding of righteousness by faith and what true religion and worship are all about.
1. Jacob’s Ladder Is For You
2. You Were Made For God
3. Satisfying Jesus’ Thirst
4. You Can Be Guided By God
5. John 17 Is For You
6. The White Stone
7. Abraham – God’s Friend
8. Moses – God’s Friend Too

Meeting Temptation (0662) Date N/A

Merciful (0129) 8-22-1975
One of the distinguishing features of the Christian religion is that Christ taught us to love our enemies. The only way we can be merciful is to bestow love on those who are deserving of censure and forgiveness on those who deserve justice. We cannot appreciate nor receive God’s mercy if we choose to hold grudges against others.

Mercy and Truth Are Joined (0191) 12-1-1978
The cross took the two opposites of truth/justice and mercy/forgiveness and united them. In our daily lives and in our work, we must learn how to blend these seemingly-opposite principles.

Merits of Christ (0582) 11-23-1963
“Why, my dear friends, our very prayers need cleansing and our tears need washing. There isn’t one thing we do in our best moments but what is defiled with our poor humanity. That is true of the best man in the world today, as well as the worst. What hope is there for us? Why, it is in this partnership with Christ. Jesus says, ‘Come and go with Me to the sanctuary. Come. Put in what you have, however weak and unworthy, however poor and small it is. Put in what you have. I will make up the deficit. Together we will be accepted at the throne!'”

Message of Pain (0202) 1-21-1971
Pain is not a unique or isolated experience. God does not delight in it, but He tells us the cause and the cure.

Messages from Revelation 1-16 (0462-0477) 1973 Revelation 14:6-12
The 3 Angel’s Messages are studied in detail in this series.
1. The Fear of Man
2. Restoring God’s Image
3. Fellowship Through Nature
4. The Health Message
5. Out of The Cities
6. Give Glory to God
7. The Wine of Babylon
8. His Spirit
9. Universal Decree
10. God’s Instruction
11. Wrath of God
12. Third Angel
13. Three Unclean Spirits
14. Dragon and The Woman
15. Dragon and The Lamb
16. Battle Between The Devil and The Lamb

Ministry of Heresies (0862) 5-20-1961
God is able to make “all things” work together for good to those who love Him. Even heresies He can use to test, filter, and strengthen His people.

Ministry of Mistakes (0028) 4-5-1963
God often permits us to go on in our headstrong ways and fall that we might learn to distrust self and be prevented from making larger mistakes or finally being lost.

Ministry of Suffering (1385) 4-19-1963

Miracles (1338) 3-21-1970
Miracles are not God’s first way of doing things, but they can encourage and give hope to His people. God does work miracles everyday in a sense because the world is upheld by the word of His power, but the things we call miracles are often God doing something out of the ordinary–doing instantly what naturally would take a lot of time and effort.

Missing Link in City Evangelism (0588) 5-29-1970

Learn to work the cities from outposts. Can you take a city dweller for a walk and lead him to God through the beauties of nature?

More Precious Than Gold (0040) 3-20-1964
God’s children are compared to be better than gold. How sad that the gold should become dim and tarnished by losing sight of our high calling. God has called for His gold to shine – for His children to devote every energy to finishing the work of God, and let no educational, or vocational considerations to distract from that goal.

More Than a Prophet (0660) 7-24-1959
Sister White stated that she never called herself a prophet but a messenger. Elder Frazee brings out the fact of what a messenger is, biblically.

More Than One Road to Hell (0915) 2-16-1962
There are many ways to be lost: through worldly compromise and gluttony or through criticism and over conscientiousness.

Morning Worship at Sunnyside (0854) 7-3-1960
Three important facts about the second coming are: that Christ is coming quickly, He will come when the harvest is ripe, and the delay is costing heaven much pain.

Moses/Aaron (1036) 3-6-1959

Most Expensive Wool Download (0194) Date N/A
From his forty years of herding sheep, Moses, heir to Egypt’s throne, learned to substitute faith for human reason and love for force.

Mountains of God (1598) 11-15-1975
Looking into history, we see mountains rich with meaning to our lives and our salvation. Looking forward, we see Mt. Zion where we’ll live and reign with Jesus.

Mourners Comforted (0126) 9-25-1975
Not all who mourn will be comforted, those who mourn because God has not condescended to meet their selfish desires, those who mourn because their pride is wounded or those who mourn for the things that God requires them to give up will not be comforted. Those will be comforted who look on Jesus dying for and because of their sins. They will mourn for how their own sins have hurt Christ and how the sins of the church have hurt Him.

Murmurs Indicate Heart Trouble 1-2 (1512, 1513) November, 1968Ezekiel 36:26]
Heart murmers are an indicator of problems with the physical heart. So also, murmering and complaining reveal that Christians are troubles with their spiritual hearts, they will need a heart transplant.

Must Christians Struggle? (0403) 5-19-1972
Satan seeks to reach the mind through the flesh. God seeks to reach the flesh through the mind. The battle of the mind over feelings is the “good fight of faith.” It is the process we go through in overcoming sin.

My Father’s Business (0941) 11-9-1963
As Jesus had one goal that directed all His work – His father’s business – so we are to focus all our time and attention to cooperating with Him to finish the work. We have no time to complain about inconveniences, lack of money, or lack of helpers.

My Future Neighbors (0999) 1-30-1981
When we consider moving into a new territory, we want to know the neighborhood to see if we could appropriately fit into the society. How much more thought should we give to the society of heaven and what our neighbors will be like to determine if we really want to move there.

My Hero (0298) 12-2-1977
Human friends often fail us, but the perfect ideal is found only in Jesus. He will never let us down.

My Life’s Experiences (0782) 6-3-1983
This message was a special service in which Elder Frazee brought to mind his 50th wedding anniversary with his first wife, Helen. They both share in this message their testimonies, especially how the Lord convicted them about certain standards.

My Partner (0598) 2-5-1982
Jesus wants us to be His partner, to co-operate and work together with Him. Partnership with Christ includes carrying the cross as well as wearing the crown.

Mystery of the Cross (1051) 8-2-1957
“‘The mystery of the cross explains all other mysteries’ Great Controversy, page 652.  Is the cross a mystery?  Yes, but notice that this mystery of the cross explains all other mysteries.  Are there some mysteries in your life?  The mystery of the cross will explain it.  Are there some problems that baffle you?  The mystery of the cross will solve those problems.”

Nature of Christ (1109) 1-31-1959
Elder Frazee explains the facts that he knows of the nature of Christ while he freely admits that some things he just doesn’t understand.

Nature of Liberty Download (0691) 1-18-1964
The true principles behind freedom and the practical and spiritual implications to victory over sin, patience and freedom to others, and the power of our choices.

Nebuchadnezzar’s Reconditioning (0927) Date N/A
To cure Nebuchadnezzar’s pride, God used several natural remedies: country living, a vegetarian diet, hydrotherapy, and others.

New Bottles (0324) 4-6-1973
Have you become a “new bottle” to hold the expanding principles of reform? Or are you clinging to the old bottles of worldly concepts? Can you change your mind when God brings new light?

New Year Re-dedication (0738) 1-3-1958

New Year’s Resolutions (1061) 1-2-1959

No Excuses (0398) 3-17-1972
Are you doing what God wants you to do – or are you using land, oxen, or marriage for an excuse?

Not By Impulse (0107) Date N/A
“Happiness is never to be found by seeking for it.” “In making others happy, you will find happiness.” This is the way God made you.

Not By Xerox (0177) 5-12-1978
God writes His law in our hearts. This is a long process, and God’s methods are different for every individual because, in His eyes, each person is unique.

Nothing or All Things (0138) 11-28-1975
”Without Him, we cannot; and without us, He will not.” Faith and works – God’s part and man’s part. Elder Frazee presents these controversial topics in a simple and biblically-balanced way.

Occupy Till I Come (0386) 7-6-1979

October 22 (0066) 10-22-1971
Seven Bible prophecies were fulfilled on this date in 1844.

October 22 Anniversary (1271) 10-22-1968

Of His Bones (1175) Date N/A
The church is the body of Christ. Sometimes a member of the body gets out of harmony with his brethren like a bone becomes out of joint. The whole rest of the body feels when a bone is out of joint, and the whole church should hurt on behalf of the unruly member. All the church should unite in trying to “put the bone back into place” but the work should begin with “the bone that is nearest in the joint” or the church member that has directly been affected but the unruly member’s faults.

Offering of Confession, Consecration, and Thanksgiving (0629) 7-12-1968
In the Sanctuary, God specified several different types of offerings, each with a special spiritual meaning. The sin offering pointed to the cleansing of sin; the whole burnt offering represents the consecration that we must have to God; the offering of thanksgiving can be given only after the first two have been offered.

Old Apple Tree (0018) 6-19-1979
A sermon delivered to the Wildwood campus but applicable to other institutions and situations, Elder Frazee challenges the workers to not be so anxious about feeling that everyone is called to go and start something new. While God calls some to pioneer new projects, He calls others to act as “old apple trees” that will stay put and help with the projects that have already been established.

One Right Answer (0566) 5-14-1971
God and His truth have one right answer, but the devil can invent scores of counterfeits and try to lead us astray with an infinite number of wrong answers.

One Talent Soul Winners (with Finley) (0387) 1-28-1972
A study on how people who lack talents, have handicaps, and feel inadequate can become soul winners.

One Word – “Jesus” (0951) 5-27-1983

Onward and Higher (0370) 6-4-1976
“God leads His people on, step by step. He brings them up to different points calculated to reveal what is in the heart.” (1T 187) These upward steps are taken as the result of enlightenment and obedience. This study deals with Righteousness by Faith.

Open Door 1-2 (1460, 1461) July 1977
Two tapes on where Jesus is now, what He is doing there, and how we can be with Him.

Oracles of God (1084) 10-31-1980
Elder Frazee discusses the advantage of access to the inspired writings. However, in order for that access to ultimately benefit us we must accept the inspired sources as the ultimate foundations of truth. All doubts must be put away because they will destroy our experience.

Order of Worship (1108) 1-17-1959

Ordinance of Separation (0098) 12-27-1975
The two ordinances of the church, baptism and communion, call for separation from the world and its pleasures and a giving of ourselves to Jesus as completely as He gave Himself to us.

Orientation (1957) 1-6 (1514-1519) October 1957
A class that was given to orient workers and students to the ideals, philosophy, and guidelines of self-supporting work in general and of Wildwood in particular.
1. Why Are You at Wildwood?
2. Jesus is Our Example
3. Four Great Lesson Books of Heaven
4. A Time to Study
5. The Education of Jesus
6. Organization of Wildwood

Orientation (1963) 1-22 (1520-1541)
This is the most complete of all the orientation series. It covers Wildwood’s philosophy, organizational structure, relation to the church and the goals of Wildwood. It is a must for those who really want to know the core principles of Wildwood and of evangelistic medical missionary work.
1. Learning to Know God Through Prayer
2. John Jensen’s Experience in Self-supporting Work
3. Our Authority for Self-supporting Work
4. Prayer 2
5. Prayer 3
6. Prayer 4
7. Wildwood Organization
8. Each Has Appointed Place in God’s Work
9. Part in God’s Work – Destiny
10. True Bible Education by Association 1
11. True Bible Education by Association 2
12. Obedience, Desire to Please
13. True Education – Obedience
14. The Family of God 1
15. The Family of God 2
16. God’s Two Methods of Reformation
17. The Family of God
18. God’s Eternal Purpose 1
19. God’s Eternal Purpose 2
20. Learning How to Live 1
21. Learning How to Live 2
22. Ministry of Healing

Orientation (1964) 1-10 (1541-1551)
This orientation placed special emphasis on new pupils’ spiritual experience on campus and how they would relate to others.
1.  How to Live 1
2.  How to Live 2
3.  How to Live 3
4. Personal Appeal to Class Members
5. Missionary Training 1
6. Missionary Training 2
7. In Contact with Others 1
8. In Contact with Others 2
9. In Contact with Others 3
10. In Contact with Others 1

Orientation (1965) 1-6 (1552-1557)
The shortest of all the orientation classes this one gives an excellent summary of what one could expect at Wildwood and how they could get the most out of the program.
1. Introduction ( Method Jesus Used)
2. All Taught of God
3. How to Live Experiences of Life
4. Questions Answered
5. How to Live
6. Liberty

Orientation (1969) 1-12 (1558-1569)
Elder Frazee explains the philosophy and principles of the self-supporting program at Wildwood. Not only is this an indispensable series for someone living in or interested in Wildwood, but for anyone seeking to know more about the blue print for self-supporting work.
1. Knowing God / Taught of God
2. Experiences of Life
3. Experiences of Life continued
4. Walking as He Walked
5. Thinking on How to Live
6. Time to Begin Life
7. Real Life
8. Words of Explanation
9. Education in the Home
10. Destiny
11. Who Is a Wise Man?
12. Impart The Gift

Our Health Message (1165) 6-6-1958
Given on the 95th anniversary of the first comprehensive vision of health reform to E. G. White, this sermon reminds us of the origins of the health message, its ultimate purpose that only Adventists can fulfill, and a challenge to complete the mission of using it to spread the 3-Angel’s messages to all the world.

Our Mother (1570) 5-13-1978
Jesus loves and honors His mother, and makes provisions for her welfare by entrusting her to John’s care. John loves Jesus and will care for her as Jesus would. Likewise, Jesus loves His church. Can He entrust it to our care?

Our Origin and Destiny (0590) Date N/A
Two of the world’s biggest questions are, “Where did we come from?” and “Where are we going?” The answers are found in the story of creation and the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation.

Our Relationship to the Work (0284) 5-18-1976
Christ’s yoke is easy, not in the sense that it frees us from trials but in the sense that Christ bears the trials with us and thus makes them “easy.” Self-supporting work can either be a galling yoke or it can be an “easy” experience, depending on whether we let the trials of low pay and hard work drive us closer to Christ or not.

Out of the Mouth of Babes (0676) 2-1-1963 Psalm 8:2
“When men think of strength they do not usually think of children.  Especially little children.  But God’s ways are often different from man’s ways.  His thoughts are often found to be high above the thoughts of men.  God is going to work a work in our day that but few anticipate.  He is going to take some children and youth down here at the end of this world’s history and surprise the great men of this earth.”

Overcoming the Gods! (0092) Date N/A
“Deep within our hearts, let us say, Dear Lord, am I worshiping the gods of Babylon? Have I been taken in with the spirit of this extravagant and indulgent age? Are my wishes, my longing, my effort directed to filling my stomach or satisfying some other physical desire? Have I become infected and affected with a greed for gold, either to hoard or to spend extravagantly? Or have I learned, am I learning, to walk with Jesus the ever-narrowing path of self-denial and to rejoice in it because here I find fellowship with my Lord.”

Overwhelming Surprise 1-8 Download Part 1 (0417-0424) November 1965
Eight studies covering last-day issues, including: Peace and Security, What the Sealing Means, and Satan’s Snares.
1. Peace and Security
2. Fear
3. Cares of This Life
4. The Sabbath
5. What the Sealing Means
6. Channels of Light
7. Satan’s Snares
8. Five Pillars

Pain 1-3 (1114-1116) June, 1968

Parable of Pounds (0031) 6-22-1979
“Oh, for eyes to see our opportunities, for hearts to rejoice in our privileges. To say, ‘Here Lord, I’ll take my little pound, and instead of tying it up in a napkin and putting it on the shelf, instead of burying it in the ground, I will use my talent. Whatever it is, however small it may be, I’ll use it to the best of my knowledge to please You.’ If we do that, friends, God will multiply our talents, and the life that Jesus has given us will shine out to many others.”

Parables from the Ground (1356) 4-26-1980
An exegetical sermon on the parable of the sower and the seed, and the parable of the rich fool.

Parents and Children (0074) 5-7-1958
The “great reformatory movement” to “make ready a people prepared for the Lord” is to begin in the home. The father, the center of the home, is to represent law and love.

Path of Blessing (0883) 3-1-1967
“So we should be praying day by day for two things – to know God’s will, and to have power and strength to do it.” Since 1844, we have been living in the Antitypical Day of Atonement. One of the things that the Israelites were to do on the Day of Atonement was to bring their offerings, so Elder Frazee gives very practical counsel on how we should manage our money to be able to give the best offerings to God.

Path of the Just (1053) Date N/A
There are many analogies to describe the Christian life; this one is the path. God gives the illustration of the path to portray the idea of staying in step with Him – not getting out of the path to the right hand or to the left or by running ahead or lagging behind Him.

Paul Uses What God Chooses (0686) 10-16-1964
Paul did not complain when things didn’t go as he had planned or hoped; rather, he used the trials, disappointments, and responsibilities that God gave him to do a greater work for God than Paul could have planned.

Peace Amidst the Battle (0306) 4-8-1977
Can we have peace in this present world? At times, God leads by opening and closing doors. Do we accept the closed doors or rebel against them?

Peace and Trust in Adversity (1055) 7-7-1957
Jesus could face the cruel mob because He knew it was His Father’s will. We can face all our challenges and trials with perfect peace with God if we realize that we are in the Father’s hands, and that He will only allow that which is for our best good.

Peace On God’s Terms (0277) 4-16-1971
Often our plans fail; often others fail us. Can we have peace through acceptance, knowing that God’s plans have succeeded in our lives?

Peace, Joy, and Rest (0198) 2-24-1976
God will allow us to be brought in contact with difficult people that the cloak of our self-righteousness may be taken away as we see how self tries to defend its rights against the insults and real or perceived roughness of others. Only as we are confronted with the fact that we are naturally selfish and want to turn away from it can we find true peace, joy, and rest in Christ.

Peacemakers (0131) 9-19-1975

Pearls and Pigs (0410) 8-4-1972
The prodigal left the pigs and found fellowship with his father. Do you find your greatest pleasures in the “Pearl of great price”?

Pecking Order (0006) 8-10-1976
God has an entirely different plan for His people than society’s “pecking order” where the weaker or less bold are “pecked” into place. God desires for us that there should be no striving for position or recognition, but rather an acceptance of any lot the Lord chooses for us, even if it be a humble one.

Penalty of Sin (0900) 9-28-1962
The ultimate penalty of sin will be death in the lake of fire. In order to save us from that fate, God often “chastens” us now so that we can learn that sin causes pain; and unless we respond to the pain of “chastening” now, we will have to bear the pain of hell later. This lesson is first learned in childhood and youth, and it is a must for parents to administer “chastening” to their children, or they are preparing for the lake of fire.

Perfection (0564) 6-22-1968
The plan of salvation produces a perfect people, but we never see ourselves as perfect. See how these apparently contradictory facts fit together in the Day of Atonement.

Persecuted Ones (0132) 9-26-1975
God’s children will make peace by seeking to cover others’ transgressions with the blood of Jesus. They will have nothing to do with gossip, slander, criticism or any unnecessary exposure of someone’s faults.

Personal Soul Winning (0911) 2-24-1962

Peter 1-10 (0375-0384) August 1969
Ten studies focusing on the life of the apostle Peter.
1. Pray
2. Put Up the Sword
3. What Is That to Thee
4. Take the Cross
5. Catch Men
6. I Will Make You
7. Do You Love Me
8. I Have Prayed For You
9. Tarry
10. Come

Peter, Do You Love Me? (0813) 5-9-1980

Physiology and the Latter Rain (0573) 11-12-1975
Listen to this sermon to find out how the outpouring of the Latter Rain is dependent upon a correct understanding and practicing of the laws of physiology.

Pillars 1-2 (1607-1608) March 1980
“He knows that if he can use various agencies to pull down the pillars of this movement, the whole house will fall.  Don’t misunderstand me.  The foundation of God stands sure.  No one is going to pull down the pillars of this movement.  But just as the little horn thought himself able to change times and the law, so there are those who seek to pull down the pillars of this movement.”

Poor In Spirit (0125) 7-18-1975
Not the proud or self-righteous will inherit God’s kingdom but those who realize their great need. The closer we are to Christ, the more we will realize that need. This is an excellent sermon for those in need of encouragement and for those who want to understand righteousness by faith.

Power in the Word (0008) 11-10-1972
God’s life reaches us through Christ, by His Word. A promise of power is in every command. How many do you know by memory?

Power of Prayer (0706) 5-15-1964
Elder Frazee tells the story of when the Amelekites attacked the Israelites and Joshua fought with them. Moses, with upheld hands, prayed for the victory of His people. As his hands became weary, and he started to let them down, Israel lost ground. To keep up the fight, Aaron and Hur held up Moses hands until the Amalekites were defeated. This illustrates the power of prevailing prayer. It also teaches us that fighting goes with praying and that we need to support those who are praying.

Power of the Gospel (0979) 6-12-1968
Paul tells us that the cross is the power of God, the power of the gospel. The purpose of the cross is to change us, not God. God has always loved us, and the idea that the cross appeases God by changing Him instead of changing us comes from paganism.

Praise (0843) 11-4-1960

Practical Laws of Health (formerly: How To Give Health Talks) Download Part 1 (1442-1447) 1966
A series of health talks given by Elder Frazee to a general audience. Simple and practical, yet profoundly spiritual.

Practical Laws of Health 2

Practical Laws of Health 3

Practical Laws of Health 4

Practical Laws of Health 1-6

Practical Laws of Health 7

Practical Laws of Health 8

Pray – Go – Give (0649) 10-31-1959

Prayer Experience (1168) 6-21-1958

Prayer Band Work (0866) 10-27-1961

Preaching the Cross (0414) 3-23-1968

Preparation for Trouble (1584) 10-27-1978

Preparatory Experience (1477) 7-21-1963

Preparing for Marriage 1-8 Download Part 1, audio Part 1, PDF (0050-0057) December 1969 & January 1970
Eight studies dealing with the principle of purity as applied to proper conduct an associations leading to marriage.
1. That Your Joy May be Full
2. Love and Self-control
3. The Narrow Way Brings Joy
4. Early Steps
5. Important Questions
6. Pleasing Him
7. The Wedding Ceremony
8. Guarding the Home

Preparing for the Throne (0065) 10-8-1971
Can you win the battle with your feelings? Temptation is not sin. Say “No” to Satan and “Yes” to God.

Preparation for Trouble (1584) 10-27-1978

Preparing Martyrs (0282) Date N/A
What are you doing to prepare yourself and your children for possible martyrdom when the Sunday law is enforced? We must be on a diet, physically, mentally, and spiritually, of total adherence to the highest standards.

Presumption or Faith (0825) 6-21-1957

Principle of Balance (0670) 11-15-1960
Much of the Bible was written to explain what other portions of the Bible didn’t mean.  It is Satan’s plan to get us to either go to extremes or to make us think that we are doing well to get in the middle of two extremes.  God wants us to be balanced, not by compromising His word but by taking it just as it reads without adding or subtracting from it.

Principle of Love (1656) 7-12-1958

Principles of Christian Living 1-4 (1957) (1571-1574)
1. Separation
2. Order
3. Love
4. Rivalry

Principles of Christian Living 1-5 (1575-1579) July 1966
1. Luke 10
2. Ye Are a Chosen People
3. Beautify the Meek
4. Labor, Law, Love
5. Easy and Hard

Principles of Leadership (0726) 11-6-1964
Before you can learn how to be a leader, you need to understand what it means to be a follower. Leadership is not about prestige, getting your own way or being popular, it is about service. God is looking for people who can lead in Heaven’s way.

Problems (0205) 12-19-1958
Try to solve others’ problems, and yours will be solved by God in that very experience.

Problems (1035) 6-14-1959
We all have circumstances and things that we call “problems.” But our real problem is self. God’s solution to our surface problems and especially to our underling problem is to lose sight of self as we help other solve their problems.

Problems! Why? (1637) Date N/A

Proof – Power – Pleasure (0690) 1-17-1962
To commit to a reform, we first need: proof that it is true and necessary, power from above to perform it, and finally a heart that will find pleasure in God’s standards.

Prosper and Be in Health (0893) 6-22-1962
The importance and provision for sleep.

Prosperity, Health, Happiness (0185) 11-16-1956
God wants us to have all three. But not prosperity by debt, health by pills, nor happiness by excitement. Obey the laws, and these will come in God’s own time.

Protection (Side A – First Day) (0596) 1-8-1982
Elder Frazee gives a general challenge for the New Year in early 1982 (the year he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease). He covers the experience we will need as we face the end.

Proverbs 18:13 (1121) 10-26-1976

Psalm 19 (0623) 8-10-1968

Psalm 119:97-104 (0371) 6-11-1976
The first word of these verses is love. The last is hate. Love and hate are two sides of the same coin. It is impossible to love righteousness without hating iniquity.

Purpose of Delay (0110) 12-29-1978
God often ordains that we are interrupted and that there are delays even in our work for Him that we may develop patience.

Quest of Approbation (0828) 11-15-1957
God gives us certain desires in order that He may have the joy of fulfilling them. One of the deepest and most earnest longings of the human soul is the longing for acceptance, approval, recognition. It is deep and implanted by God. He is waiting, yearning to fill that need with His Presence.

Quietness (1113) 10-4-1958
God wants to bring quietness to our souls through surrender to Him and trust in Him.

Radiant Faces (0956) 8-20-1965
Elder Frazee shares about the providence of how Wildwood obtained the lumber to build their first official sanitarium. He also shares an exciting and somewhat humorous experience of a colporteur in Africa. A testimony service of thanksgiving follows Elder Frazee’s message.

Real Drama and The Last Act (0159) 12-27-1968
God will use us in the drama of life. We choose which side we will be on and whether we will portray Christ’s or Satan’s character. Th Last Act recounts the last scenes to transpire on this earth.

Real Heaven (0578) Date N/A
You can have a taste of Heaven here on Earth to see if you like it. Repentance, revival, and reformation, as a preparation for Heaven, come as a call from the November 1970 Ministry, mentioning the areas of dress, diet, and educational and medical work.

Real New Earth (0404) 6-2-1972
Would you like to live in a world run by God’s sensible law? What a world! Have you sent in your reservation?

Reality and Righteousness (0998) 1-9-1981

Recharging (0565) 5-7-1971

Recipe for Success (0880) 6-15-1962
If we follow God’s word and make that our constant study and meditation, He promises to make us successful. But God’s success is  different from what the world calls success. God’s success is free from the burden of the stress of keeping up with the Jones’, free from the burden of seeking for money, and free from the burden of ambition.

Reckon Yourself Dead (1138) 6-3-1972
The difference of being reckoned dead and actually being dead is that a really dead person will not feel or respond to abuse.  A Christian who reckons himself/herself dead will not respond as though he/she were dead, but will still feel the pain of the abuse.

Recognizing the Holy Spirit (0835) 7-4-1958

Reflect Fully (0119) 3-21-1975
As the full moon fully reflects the light of the sun, so we too may fully reflect God according to our capacity.

Reflectors (0913) 4-14-1962
Jesus is the light of the world, His love is light. When we catch a glimpse of that light, we are to reflect it according to our capacity by our lives and by proclamation.

Rejoice (0120) 4-4-1975
Like the compass that shows north all the time, we should rejoice in God at all times. Everyday we can find reasons for rejoicing.

Rejoice, Give Thanks, and Sing (1582) 3-26-1976
What food, air, and water are to the body, Christ is to the mind. Joy is found in making Jesus glad.

Relating to Others’ Failures (0064) 10-1-1971
It is part of God’s plan that “offenses come.” God uses others’ failures to “prove” us.

Relationships (1099) 8-29-1964
Most of our lives are in involved with relationship – our relation to God and to each other. There is an extreme that teaches that God will only communicate His will to us through the church. Another extreme teaches that each one is accountable to God alone, and views the church as more of an optional club. The truth is that God uses both – our relationship to God and our brethren are inseparable, yet neither can fully replace the other. This relationship can only work with love – first, seeing God’s love for us, then loving Him in return, and then loving the church as Jesus loved it.

Religious Liberty (0712) 2-21-1958

Remnant (0696) 4-2-1982 Romans 11:2-5
In this sermon, Elder Frazee explains what the remnant means and what the election of grace means. Many people use the above scripture to teach predestination, but though we were “elected” to be saved long ago, yet we can choose to not accept the election.

Remnant Shall Be Saved (0891) Date N/A

Remuneration (0610) 11-11-1975
One unique feature of self-supporting work is that there is no guaranteed waged. It is a work of faith that moves forward despite no seeming way to obtain wages.

Repentance Daily (0062) 8-20-1971
“Repentance is a daily, continuous exercise, and must be so until mortality is swallowed up in immortality.”

Reproof (0615) 11-30-1957
God tells us that He will chasten (reprove and correct) those He loves. Does God love you? Elder Frazee goes through several proverbs and brings out the necessity of receiving reproof and how we should relate to others that have received reproof.

Response of a Loving Heart (0360) 12-5-1979
How do you respond to authority? Some openly defy it, some hate it (but obey it to avoid penalties), others tolerate it, and still others love it. Jesus appreciates it when we respond to His commands out of a heart filled with love, and when we likewise love the human authority that He has set over us.

Responsibility for the Cross (0482) 11-22-1974
A Roman governor, Jews, Satan, Jesus, God, and I all share in the responsibility for the cross. The ransom has been paid, but our choice is needed to bring unity.

Rest in Truth (0102) 4-20-1976
Truth sanctifies and gives freedom from lying and freedom from acting, and freedom to be your simple self which brings true rest.

Restore the Home (1046) 3-31-1956
The father, as leader, with wife and children cooperating, can prepare their home for Christ’s coming.

Restoring the Creator’s Image (0551) 7-18-1964

Resurgence of Papacy (0906) 1-12-1962

Resurrection (0912) 5-12-1962

Revelation 3:20 – As Many as I Love (0115) 1975
Very few fully surrender, opening every “room” to Jesus and keeping them open. Have you?

Righteousness By Faith (0621) 3-28-1970

Righteousness By Faith (0820) 10-17-1980

Righteousness By Faith – From Gardening Download (0105) 3-12-1975
As the seed is planted in the garden and slowly grows as it is watered, nourished, cultivated and brings fruit after many days, so day by day physical and spiritual growth continues until God perfects that which He has planted.

Righteousness By Faith – In the Light of the Sanctuary (1227) Date N/A
Elder Frazee beautifully illustrates how righteousness by faith operates by explaining the sanctuary service. This sermon is highly encouraging for all, especially those who are struggling and spiritually discouraged.

Riots or Peace 1-6 (1123-1128) July-September 1967
1. The Legacy Jesus Left You
2. In The Streets
3. Security and Riots
4. Recognition and Riots
5. Riots and Remedies
6. The Real Cure for Riots

Rivers of Healing (0736) 4-16-1960
As long as sin continues, suffering must go on, but the sanctuary is headquarters for God’s healing work. Come to the sanctuary for healing of soul and body.

Road To Persecution (0839) 1-23-1960
The road begins by enjoining what God has forbidden, and ends by forbidding what He has explicitly enjoined.

Romans 1:16-17 (0027) 1-25-1977
This is an exegetical sermon on the passage of Romans 1:16-17.  Christ saves us from sin (past, present, future) through faith in Christ.

Romans 12:1 (0601) 3-6-1982

Romans 5:3-5 (1076) 9-11-1965

Romans 8 (1013) 12-3-1966
The Christians’ struggle to overcome sin in this present world

Rooted and Grounded in Love (0887) 9-12-1965
Two studies on the love for God and His Word balanced by love for the church that will keep us strong in the storm that “is coming relentless in its fury”

Rooted and Grounded in Love 1-2 (1170-1171) February 1965

Roots and Fruits (0104) Date N/A
If you want the fruits of righteousness in your life that people can see, there has to be a root system that others don’t see. Learn what that root system is.

Sabbath – Traveler’s Cheque (0480) 2-22-1969
Why no other day can substitute for the 7th-day Sabbath. Also, the promises of God are as traveler’s cheques to be used when needed.

Salvation (1583) 9-29-1978

Samson (0903) 7-3-1959

Sanctuary (Given at Norfolk) 1968

Sanctuary (1047) 10-22-1956

Sanctuary 1-4 (1272-1275)

Sanctuary  (Chesapeake) 1-5 (0488-0492) 1973
1. Problem that Solves Problems
2. What Is Jesus Doing Now
3. Why Can’t Christ Come Today
4. When It’s Easy to Do The Right
5. From Where You Are to Where He Is

Sanctuary (1957) 1-10 (1228-1237) October 1957
1. The Sacrifice-Court
2. Covering of Sin-Holy Place
3. Blotting Out of Sin-Most Holy Place
4. Daniel 8:14-2300 days
5. The Cost of Sin-Cure for Sinning
6. Law Written in The Heart and Mind
7. Spirit of Prophecy
8. Sister White
9. Cleansing of Two Temples-Health Reform
10. The At-One-Ment

Sanctuary (1961) 1-2 (0873, 0874) October 1961

Sanctuary (1963) 1-6 (1238-1243)
1. Introduction
2. Covering Sin
3. Blotting Out of Sin
4. The 2300 Days-Three Great Discoveries
5. Spirit of Prophecy
6. Greatest Manifestation of The Holy Spirit

Sanctuary (1968) 1-8 (0510-0517) January 1968
1. God’s Great Problem
2. Why Jesus Went to Heaven
3. Why Christ Cannot Come Today
4. The End of Sin
5. New Hearts for Old
6. Law and Love
7. In Full Assurance of Faith
8. Babylon and Laodicea

Sanctuary (Loma Linda) 1-4 (1256-1259) May 1968

Sanctuary (1969 Eden Valley) 1-6 (0450-0455) July-August 1969
1. The Sacrifice
2. The Priest
3. Day of Atonement
4. Sanctuary Closed
5. Sprinkled Blood
6. House of God

Sanctuary (1969 Meister Hills Church) 1-4 (1252-1255)

Sanctuary (1969 Ohio) 1-10 (0493-0502) August 1969

Sanctuary (Arizona Camp Meeting) 1-11 Download Part 1, audio (0439-0449) July 1973
A simple, to-the-point series regarding the final work that Christ longs to accomplish in the heavenly sanctuary and how we are to be part of it.

Sanctuary (Indiana Camp Meeting) 1-8 (1244-1251) June 1973

Sanctuary and Ecumenism (0401) 4-4-1972
What is the relationship of one to the other? This study shows the true ecumenical movement and why we need to understand the Sanctuary.

Sanctuary Message – Annual Council Loma Linda (0137) 10-13-1974
A simple yet profound exposition of how the sanctuary teaches how God will eradicate sin.

Sanctuary – October 22, 1844 (0959) 10-22-1965

Sanctuary Study Hour 1-4 (Collegedale Camp Meeting) (1349-1352) June 1969

Satan’s Counterfeit (0146) 11-4-1976
Satan uses not only false doctrines but also mighty miracles to win souls in these last days. Only by knowing the genuine can we determine the counterfeit.

Satan’s Sympathizers (0071) 12-17-1971
The last scenes of the great controversy will be like the first ones. The church, like Heaven, will be purged. Are you sympathizing with the elements that encourage compromise, or with God and His suffering over lowered standards?

Saving Health (1090) 10-2-1964

Science of Prayer 1-6 Download Part 1, audio (0389-0394) October & November 1967
Six studies showing how to have a more successful prayer life

Science of Salvation (0406) 6-30-1972
“Whom Christ pardons, He first makes penitent.” We cannot have Christ’s righteousness while practicing known sins or neglecting known duties.

Scientific Questioning and Faith (0276) 3-19-1971
Faith, based on nature, revelation, and personal experience, will not be shaken by scientific questionings. We “must become fools in the sinful knowledge of this age.”

Scripture Fulfilled (1004) 1-9-1982
Jesus was successful in His ministry because He knew that the prophecies which pointed to Himself and He knew that they had been fulfilled.  Noah and all who believed the Spirit of Prophecy were saved from the flood.  So today, those who will succeed and be saved will be those who understand when the scriptures are fulfilled and what to do about it.

Seal (1384)
God’s seal will be placed on those who are finally settled and fixed that they love God and will obey His law.  The people who reach this condition are those who have learned the lesson of confidence in God’s creative power to enable them to do His will.  The Sabbath is what teaches us this and it is God’s seal. True Sabbath keeping delivers us from restlessness and longing for things that we cannot have.

Secrets of Success (0788) 4-29-1983
Quote from sermon: “I want to study success in physical health, success in prosperity, and success in spiritual life.”

Seek the Lord (0742) 1958

9(0192, 0193) December 1978

Seek Ye the Lord (0967) 11-19-1965
We must seek the Lord now because there is a time coming soon when He will not be found. The main thing that is standing between us and the Lord is our own way.

Seeking and Finding (1355) 5-16-1980
Why does God ask us to seek for Him?  Among other reasons, He wants us to exercise the power of choice.  But even more so, He knows that the act of seeking and longing helps us to desire and appreciate what we are seeking for, far more than if we could have what we wanted without any delay, or effort to find it.

Self-Centered (1661) Date N/A
As long ago, many believed that the earth was the center of the universe, so many of us think that we should be the center of everything. Christ is the true center and He is the only One who can handle being the center.

Self-Examination (0737) 12-28-1957

Self-Supporting Workers (1058) 5-2-1969
Those whom God calls from the usual vocations to full-time service with no promise of support except “Whatever is right, I will give you.”

Sense of His Presence (0579) 12-14-1962
We will fear and obey God when we have a sense of His presence. The devil has done and is doing all he can, with the works and ways of the world, to get us to lose the sense of the presence of God.

Served or Serving (0060) Date N/A
“At home is the place to find Jesus, then take Him with you to the meeting.” You can witness before, during, and after the service.

Settling Into Truth (1641) Date N/A

Seven Beatitudes of Revelation (0149) 11-13-1976
The same voice that spoke the Beatitudes on the Mount spoke seven more in Revelation.

Seven Things in Balance (1585) 8-21-1979

Seven Thousand Download (0694) 3-26-1982
God has always and will always have a faithful few who will follow God’s standards and principles even though many others in the church teach and practice new theology.

Seven Words From the Cross (0461) 4-16-1976

Shining Soul Winners (1000) 3-20-1981

Signs, The (0844) 11-11-1960

Signs of His Coming (0894) 5-19-1962

Simple Way (0090) 3-30-1973
Our faith, education, diet, dress, methods of missionary work, houses, life style, etc., are to express “the simplicity that is in Christ.” This is the restful life.

Simplicity (1059) 12-26-1958
If we fail, it is often because we aim too low. But salvation and faith are things we fail in because we look too high. They are so simple: Jesus is knocking at the door (the door represents the thing that is standing between us and Jesus). We let Jesus in by confronting the thing that separates us. We then must shut the door, which means we must believe that Jesus has come in and we want Him to stay.

Simplicity of Faith (0665) Date N/A
If we will learn how to exercise faith, we’ll receive the promise of the Spirit.

Simplicity of Soul-Winning (0154) 1973
This study is based on a letter from Bill Dull in India, relating India’s crying need and the thousands being converted. Now is the time to get the training and experience needed in soul winning.

Sit or Serve (0078) 10-27-1972
The disciples wanted to be first in Christ’s kingdom. Do you? The cross broke the spell of ambition. There is no way to “promote” a man who is where he belongs.

Sixth Commandment (0557) 8-7-1964

Smoke (0689) 1964
In a house fire, people will usually first die of smoke before they die of the flames. Smoke is obscuring, irritating, and stupefying. Whenever we see smoke, it is a sure sign that there must be a fire. The tongue is the fire that causes the obscuring, irritating, and stupefying. God’s plan is not to just ignore the smoke, but to put out the fire.

So Send I You (0901) 10-5-1962

Solomon (0902) 7-10-1959

Something Better (0534) 11-5-1976
God’s plan is a way of joy.  Every restriction is given because it will bring us joy.  We bear false witness against God when we are gloomy and discontent about the reforms He gives us.

Something Better – Better Than Good (0395) 2-11-1972
Satan offers us many things that are mixed with enough good to make them appear not too bad.  But God offers us something better, even the best.  God’s plan in education, dress, diet, and all reforms are to not only avoid the bad but to accept only the best.

Something Better (1965) (1659) 7-16-1965

Something Better Than the Best (0395) 2-11-1972
Love is something better than even the best.  It will lead to obedience and every good thing.  All true obedience comes from love and all Godly commands come from a heart of love that gives the command simply because to obey that command would result in the greatest amount of good for the one who obeys.

Song of Moses and the Lamb (0535) 5-21-1976
God gave us the book of Revelation which contains Jesus’ special message for the people of the last days. He wants to tell us that glorious victory is just ahead. The song of Moses and the Lamb will be a song sung by God’s people of the marvelous experiences of victory through Christ.

Sons of God (0204) 3-10-1959
A beautiful exposition on 1 John chapter 3, this sermon deals with the practical implications of what it means to be a “son” of God.

Soul Winning in 1972 (w/Finley) (0373) 12-31-1971
(Frazee and Finley) A study from the book of Acts on methods that won multitudes. Consecration, prayer, Angel direction, unction of the Spirit, and opening the Bible to one soul resulted in decisions for baptism. Will you follow these methods?

Souls Are Precious (0409) 7-28-1972
“One soul is of infinite value; Calvary speaks its worth.” Soul winning is the magnet to pull us away from petty difficulties.

Spirit of Prophecy 1-4 (0001-0004) January 1973
Four studies on the gift of prophecy given to the remnant through the writings of Ellen G. White.

Spirit of Prophecy (0978) 5-14-1966

Spiritual Geography (1337) 3-20-1970
Whether we are under condemnation or grace is a matter of geography.  Are we in Christ or in self? Excellent for those who need spiritual encouragement.

Spiritual Super Highway (0733) 1960
The government at this time was constructing interstate 24 through Wildwood property. Elder Frazee used this as an opportunity to teach a spiritual lesson: in order to make the interstate, the workers had to level out many high places and fill-up many low ones. So, God has given us the instruction, through the inspired writings, that we are to subdue our strong characteristics and build up our weak ones.

Spiritualism 1-10 (1462-1471) 1963
1.Our Beloved Dead
2. Who Are The Spirits
3. Miracles
4. Babylon-Come Out of Her
5. The Wine of Babylon
6. The Papacy-666
7. U.S. In Prophecy
8. The Mark of The Beast
9. The Harvest
10. Earth’s Last War

Square Peg in a Round Hole (0944) 8-30-1963
What do you need to do to get a square peg to fit into a round hole? Either the peg or the whole would needs to be trimmed and reshaped. Who needs to change to get you to fit where you belong, God or you? You or those around you? Elder Frazee uses this illustration to explain the Matthew 18 principle.

Stability Under Pressure (0855) 6-3-1961
When we are standing for truth, we are not running ahead of Jesus. Some people want to go faster than the body of Christ’s church, and they try to get the rest of the church to catch up with them. God does not honor such.

Stand Fast (1162) 4-19-1956
If you have been delivered from bondage to quit bad habits, things, or people, then “stand fast” and be not entangled again.

Stand On Your Own Two Feet (0580) 3-21-1969
When we are first brought into this world, we are entirely dependent on others for our needs. As we grow older, we learn to become more independent. Many of us, however, have not truly “grown up.” We still depend on others to think and act for us. God wants to teach all of us how we can “stand on our own two feet” and yet know how to unify with our brethren.

Standing Alone (0206) Date N/A
A close fellowship with Jesus is vital if we are to stand alone in the coming crisis.

Steer By the Stars You Know (0693) 2-14-1964
Steer your course by the great settled truths you know. Steer by what you see, not by what perplexes you. As you follow the light you have, the Lord will reveal more.

Step By Step (1646) 1966

Steps to Miracles (0088) 3-16-1973
God worked miracles in the past and He still works them for people today who will follow these Biblical steps.

Stewardship (1643) 4-29-1978
God made me. He bought me I have given myself to Him. He is my owner. I am His steward.

Stone Cave – Dedication of Chapel  1-2 (1378-1379) August 1967

Stop For the Sabbath (0617) 10-31-1969

Stop the Tragedy (0929) 1-14-1967
We have the privilege of helping God to stop the tragedies of this world by cooperating with Him, keeping His law so that He can come again soon.

Story of Dress Reform (1647) by Helen Frazee

Story of Starting Wildwood (1358) 12-25-1954
Inspiring stories of Wildwood’s founding.  Perhaps the oldest of all our stories of Wildwood.  Enjoy Elder Frazee’s practical and realistic way of viewing how God performs modern miracles.

Strategy of God (0385) 5-19-1978
God is a strategist. He gives humans the opportunity to think and plan and act with Him. He presents us with problems too big for us in order that we will come to Him.

Strawberries or Tobacco (0977) 5-13-1966
Are you growing strawberries or tobacco in your spiritual garden?

Strong and Tender (0283) 1972
A study of Isaiah 40. To the greatness and power of the King of kings, our Lord unites the tender care of loving Shepherd.

Study on Daniel 2 & 7 (0667) 6-20-1959

Stumbling Blocks (1009) 10-26-1966
What we do and the choices we make not only affect ourselves but others. There are many things that we do that can become stumbling blocks to others; if we give ourselves an inch in a certain direction, someone else might use that as an excuse to take a mile.

Submit – Trust – Resist (0640) 10-4-1957
One of the first lessons that a Christian must learn is how to submit – to God and to those whom God as set as our leaders. We must trust that God is with us and will help us. After we submit and trust in God, then we can and must resist the devil. We should not be surprised that we are still tempted after we have submitted and trust God. Even after that, we will have to resist.

Sufficient Grace (0166) 2-2-1974
“My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness. I dare not trust the sweetest frame (my victories or achievements) but wholly lean on Jesus’ name.”

Sunshine and Moisture of Love (0032) 6-23-1979
“Love comprehends, includes, embraces, all that God is. And so when we think of the sunshine of God’s love shining into the gardens of our hearts, we want that view of His love. We don’t want a partial, filtered sunlight. We want the whole spectrum of justice and mercy, strictness and tenderness. Now the same with the water. The water, the moisture, that’s essential. And this water, we read in John the 7th chapter, is to flow, not only to us, but through us, from us.”

Sure (0353) 7-27-1976
God wants us to be sure in a perplexed, confused world. When we are dealing with God’s Word, we can be certain. “We have also a more sure Word of Prophecy.”

Survival (0871) 8-25-1961
Who will survive through the final crisis? It will only be those who heed the above text that Isaiah speaks of.

Survival 1-14 Download Part 1, audio Part 1, PDF (0425-0438) Dates N/A
Fourteen studies on coming events and how to prepare.
1. Time of Trouble and Survival
2. The Last War
3. I Have Chosen You
4. Survival
5. Physical Survival
6. Mental Survival
7. 1 Corinthians 13 and Survivals
8. Ezekiel 9 and Survival
9. Economic Survival
10. Country Living
11. The Home-Parents and Children
12. The Home-Husbands and Wives
13. Will The Church Survive?
14. Will You Survive?

Tabernacle 1-7 (1220-1226) October 1970
Seven studies on the “atonement” as revealed in the sanctuary.

Take Out the Stumbling Blocks (0323) 7-7-1972
Do we want Jesus to speak to our brother “that he divide the inheritance” (or solve some other problem); or are we asking for souls? We have no time for malice and for greed.

Take The Cup From His Hand (1037) 2-27-1959
All our trials, problems, promotions, or lack of promotions are allowed by God. The cup our Father gives brings peace.

Take Ye the Stone Away (0931) 11-25-1967
When Jesus resurrected Lazarus from the dead, He did what only divine power could do. Yet He had people remove the stone from the tomb. In other words: “What man can do, God does not do directly. What natural means can accomplish, we must not expect supernatural means to do.” This is true spiritually as well. God is willing to do marvels for us, but there is some “stone” that divine power is waiting for us to remove before He can perform His highest miracles for us.”

Tamed Colt (0949) 6-2-1972
The Lord desires to tame us in order to use us to His glory.

Tares in the Church (0172) 5-24-1974
This parable answers the question of why so many hypocrites in the church. “All our zeal will not be successful in making the church militant, as pure as the church triumphant.”

Teach Me to Pray (0163) 2-4-1977
Learn the importance of making prayer a habit and the blessing of small prayer bands. How effective is a band of 2 or 3 with Jesus in the midst!

Teach Us to Pray (1591) 4-23-1966

Teaching (0716) 11-6-1959

Temperance (0740) 3-22-1959

Temptations of Jesus #1-3 (1068-1070) February-April 1966

Tempting God (0865) 10-27-1961
Paul warns us not to tempt Christ like the Israelites tempted Him in the Exodus. Listen to/read this sermon to find out what it means to tempt God.

Ten Percent Plus (0609) 11-18-1975

Tenth Commandment (0558) 8-1-1964

Testimony of Jesus (0884) 3-2-1967

Thanksgiving Day (0081) 11-24-1972
Offering praise is not only for Thanksgiving Day, or just for the Sabbath – it is to be daily. What is your answer to the question, “What have they seen in thine house?”

The Burden Bearer (0644) 10-24-1958
The greatest burden that we carry is the burden of sin. This sermon discusses how Jesus can take away the burden of sin and guilt.

The Center Jesus (0643) 10-17-1958
Over two Millennia ago, the scientific community believed that the earth was the center of the universe – that the sun, moon, and stars revolved around our planet. Since then, science has proven that we are far from being the center. Many of us have that ancient unscientific belief about ourselves in our religious experience. The truth is that Jesus is the center, and everything is to revolve around Him.

The Church Triumphant (1064) 4-1-1960
The movements that God has started have often apostatized, and God has had to call His true followers out, such as the Jewish nation, the Catholic church, and the protestant churches. Will the Adventist church ever go so far that we will need to come out of her? Find out in this clear, biblical sermon.

The Commission (1494) 7-28-1967

The Cost of Healing (0035) 11-3-1976
“Healing is in the atonement. And dear fellow medical missionaries, dear physicians, nurses, helpers in every line, remember, every time you try to help a patient, it’s Jesus who heals them. And that healing has been provided at infinite cost.”

The Cross (1372) 3-1-1963

The Cross (1374) Date N/A

The Cup (1111) 9-19-1958

The Dish (1172) Date N/A 
Do we come to church or other spiritual gatherings with an empty dish, expecting someone to fill it?  Or, do we bring no dish at all?  Or, wherever we go, do we bring something to give that we may feed some hungry soul?

The Entering Wedge (0047) 1-2-1981
A wedge is used to get something accepted gradually that would be rejected if all were given at once. God has given methods to reach people with truth so that they can receive it gradually.

The Exodus (0540) 8-3-1968

The Good Shepherd (0161) 1-14-1977
Our lives can be filled with trouble and anguish at times, but the Good Shepherd invites us to come aside and rest in some sweet fellowship with Him. Excellent counsel on how to have devotions.

The Harvest (1667) 2-15-1964

The Home Must Triumph (0869) 9-22-1961

The Keys to Heaven – Prayer (1663) 9-15-1959

The Last Chance People Have (0725) 10-30-1964

The Lathe (1173) Date N/A
Similar to Sermon #0944.  In order for us to be able to fit into the program that God has for us, we will need to be sanded down on the lathe of following Matthew 18.

The Life of Christ (1504) 12-12-1980

The Lord Shall Guide Thee Continually (1141) 7-15-1968

The Messiah and Bethlehem (1510) 12-17-1975

The Name of Jesus (0711) 9-11-1964

The Pilgrim Life (0849) 8-26-1960
This world is not our home. Our lives here are to be as pilgrims. A pilgrim’s life is not aimless, but it is often uncertain.

The Pilgrim’s Progress (0850) 9-2-1960
W.D. Frazee brings out many precious lessons from John Bunyan’s famous book The Pilgrim’s Progress.

The Purpose of Wildwood (1662) 1975
Wildwood was not meant to be another mission school in competition with others. It had a very unique purpose in its founding that is different from many other institutions. Wildwood was meant to follow in the path of Madison.

The Redeemer (1580) 6-3-1977
The Gospel is in the Old Testament as well as in the New. From Genesis to Revelation, the promises of God are rich and abundant. Jesus wants us to escape the penalty of sin, and He is interested in redeeming us from even the desire to wander away again.

The Rock (1072) 1959
This sermons brings out several spiritual lessons that we can learn from the analogy that God is our rock.

The Sabbath (0479) 2-15-1969

The Seeing Eye (0852) 8-20-1960
God’s second book – nature – contains special lessons for those who will devote the “seeing eye” to pay attention to her simple, yet profound, teachings.

The Slavery of Love (1360) 1-6-1968

The Three Shut Doors (0990) Date N/A
Those who rejected the message of John the Baptist were not benefited by the teachings of Jesus. So, those who rejected the first and second angel’s message were not benefited by the third. So, we must make sure that we accept all the light that God currently shines upon us, or we will not be benefited by any additional light.

The Three Stages of Legislation (0706B)
Many people will be in the lake of fire who thought that they would be in heaven.  One very important reason is because they did not understand or follow the three stages of legislation.  In the USA government, before a piece of legislation can become law, it must be agreed upon by one of the two branches of Congress and pass a majority vote in that branch.  Then, the bill must pass to the second branch of Congress and it must pass it.  Finally, once both branches of Congress come to an agreement and pass the bill, it must go to the President to sign or veto.  Elder Frazee uses this as an illustration of how we must agree with God on what is truth, but there is another “branch” in the trio that we must be in agreement with.  Listen or read to find out.

The True and the False (0681) 5-3-1963

The Two Gardens (0851) 7-29-1960
In the Garden of Eden, our first parents failed miserably and brought shame and death into the world. In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus redeemed Adam’s failure and brought salvation, life, and glory to all who would accept it. But it was at the greatest cost of the universe.

The Two Faces of the Coin (1169) 11-23-1964
There has never yet been a coin invented so thin that it had only one side.  So there are two sides to righteousness by faith — loving righteousness and hating iniquity.  The key to knowing how far we are in our Christian experience is in seeing if what makes Jesus weep, makes us weep and what makes Him glad makes us glad.  When we finally hate what He hates, and love what He loves, He will place His seal upon us.

The Two Wine Cups (0553) 7-25-1964

These Forty Years #1,2 Download (1006, 1007) January 1982
God’s providence during the first 40 years of Wildwood’s history

They Pierced My Hands (0729) Date N/A

Things More Excellent (1345) 1958
God does not want us to settle for the mediocre but to seek for the things that are more excellent. “Something better is the watch word of all true education.”

Think Not (0037) 12-28-1968
“We are studying … this vital matter of whether parents, teachers, administrators, ministers, anyone who has authority, has any license from God to relax the law of God. Jesus says, Don’t think anything of the kind.”

Third Angel’s Message (1092) 7-27-1964

This Generation (0184) 11-12-1954
Jesus’ coming is “even at the door.” What keeps Him from coming is not a predetermined date, but rather our own Christian experience.

Thoughts (1344) 1958
Our thoughts are the beginnings of either good or evil deeds. If we are going to live a victorious Christian life, we must have thoughts brought into captivity to Christ.

Thoughts from Psalms 40 (Previously called God’s Love)(0744) 6-5-1982
Elder Frazee shares exegetical thoughts from Psalms chapter 40.

Thoughts on Reconditioning 1-2 (0536, 0537) March 1970
The first sermon in this short series deals with how exercise is often a missing element with many health reformers while diet usually gets all the attention. The second one continues the theme of exercise by specifically dealing with one of the most important types of exercise – walking.

Thoughts on the Seminar (0568) 12-16-1975
Why don’t natural remedies work like the law of gravity (100% the same each time we use them)? The answer is that God never intended that anything we do for the sick should take the place of prayer. Then why do treatments, herbs, etc. to help the sick when we can just pray? God intends that not only should we be healed but that we should learn to change the habits that got us sick in the first place. Prayer and work go together.

Three Angels – 1844 (0034) 11-8-1974
A study which shows the revelation of 1844 with each of the three angels’ messages.

Three Apparent Failures of Jesus (1081) 11-23-1968

Three Books the Devil Hates (1003) 9-12-1981
The devil hates Ministry of Healing, The Desire of Ages, and The Great Controversy. This sermon explains why he hates these three books and why those books are so important for us.

Three Causes for Anxiety (0892) 8-31-1962
Elder Frazee brings out lessons from the book of John, chapter 21, about how Jesus overcomes our three main causes for anxiety.

Three Certain Triumphs (0305) 4-1-1977
Can we know the certainty of the words of truth? To what extent will this message triumph? Will we triumph with it?

Three Christmases (0372) 12-24-1971
The birth of the world’s greatest Medical Missionary; the sanitarium vision of Dec. 25, 1865; and Wildwood’s birthday on Christmas 1941 ― all opened up avenues for displaying God’s love for suffering humanity.

Three Great Miracles (1088) 4-10-1970
Three Miracles: 1. Earth to Vegetable; 2. Vegetable to animal; 3. Animal to spiritual. As the lily, we cannot make ourselves grow, but must use the elements available – God’s word and prayer.

Three Great Quests #1-3 (1365-1367) August & September 1981
Most people are on a quest to find pleasure and security. The great paradox is that the only ones who ever find it are the ones that don’t seek it, but rather seek to please God.

Three Important Facts (0790) 5-13-1983
So often, we only focus on one or two facts about salvation. The sanctuary reveals three important facts: in the courtyard, Jesus died for us; in the holy place, He ministered to us; in the most Holy Place, He makes the final atonement for us.

Three Reasons to Choose Jesus (1648) 3-17-1978
There are three primarily very good reasons that we should choose to follow Jesus, from least to most important: What it does for us; what it does for others; and most important of all, what it will do for Him.

Three Steps in Conversion (0991) Date N/A

Three Steps of Faith (0826) 6-22-1957

Three Thieves’ Last Days (0045) 11-30-1979
There were three thieves who died the same day as Christ did. Two of these thieves died lost men, one was saved. One started in the fold with Christ but died outside the fold. Two started outside the fold but one ended that day before he died in the fold with Christ. Listen to or read this sermon to find out who they were.

Three Things I Know (1658) 6-29-1968
There are several things that we don’t know, but our acceptance with God and His care for His church are among the things that we can know for certain.

Three Things I’m Thankful For (0041) 8-31-1979
There are many things that we can be thankful for, but this sermon gives three things in particular: 1. Our labor is not in vain in the Lord. 2. All things will work together for the good of those who love God. 3. And The One who runs everything in this universe, who arranges everything on this planet and in worlds afar, is our Friend.

Three Ways to Know Truth (0486) 9-3-1971
By observation in the natural world, by divine revelation, and by personal experience, we learn truth. These need to be balanced in our lives.

Three Ways to Learn Truth (0400) 3-31-1972
By obedience to God’s Word, truth is learned. The pain of disobedience also teaches. Many will not learn until the final judgment.

Three Witnesses (1326) 12-3-1965
There are three witnesses that tell us we cannot overcome and that we cannot be forgiven.  Three other witnesses tell us that if we confess and forsake our sins, Christ forgives, removes the guilt and gives us victory.  What experience we have depends on which three witnesses we listen to.

Tied to the Altar of Sacrifice (1062) 12-17-1966
Christ was crucified for our sins. He wants us, in turn, to sacrifice for Him. He wants to bind us to the altar with the cords of faith and love so that we will not turn from the sacrificial life that He as called us to.

Time Alone With God (0751) 11-19-1982
We can be most effective in our work for God if we take the time to be alone with God. It is that time spent alone with Him that gives us power to do His Work. We are sometimes tempted to not spend this time with God because we are afraid of what He might tell us to do or not do.

To Every Man His Work (0885) 9-30-1975

To Know Him is to Love Him (0717) 11-6-1959

To Understand God (0354) 7-23-1976
Among all the various orders God has created, only man can understand God and think His thoughts after Him. He says “acquaint now thyself with Him and be at peace.” He desires more than our gratitude for life, He wants us to become well acquainted with His character and to appreciate Him for what He is.

Traffic Signals Download (0043) 10-5-1979
As traffic lights tell you when to stop and when to go, so God teaches us His will by sometimes showing us through His providence to move forward or to halt and wait. A great message for those who need to make important decisions.

Training By Association (0587) 5-22-1970
Every man needs to be a son, a brother, a father and in that order. Learn to love obedience and cooperation by working as Timothy did with Paul, Elisha with Elijah, and Ruth with Naomi.

Transfer of Authority (1106) 4-23-1965
God in His wisdom has arranged that those of more experience train those of less experience that they may learn how to bear burdens and to fill the place God desires them to fill.

Traveler’s Cheques (1649) Date N/A

Triangle (0921) 1-13-1961

Triangle of Righteousness (1151) 11-29-1958
As in a Triangle there are three sides, so in the experience of righteousness by faith there are three sides – cleansing of the past, power for the present unto perfection, and covering of the present into the future as our very best efforts are inadequate.

Tribe of Joseph (0878) 12-21-1962
One of the 12 tribes in the 144,000 will be the tribe of Joseph. If we want to be a part of the 144,000, it would be good for us to study what Joseph did and why his tribe made it to be part of that number.

Trip to Chiapas (0889) 3-14-1961
Elder Frazee gives a report of his visit to the mission Yerba Buena in Mexico. He tells us the thrilling story of the impact of medical missionary work to the natives in southern Mexico.

Triumphant Trio #1,2 (0599, 0600) February & March 1982
There are many things that we don’t understand. But one thing that we know for sure is that God will triumph, His church will triumph, and if I stay with Jesus and with His church, I will triumph too. Together (Christ, His church, and me), make a triumphant trio!

Troublous Times (1105) 9-23-1954
This explains the experiences Paul passed through and how we too will pass through similar experiences.

True Bread (0908) 1-13-1962
Jesus is the true bread. Partaking the communion service is just as necessary a part of the Christian’s experience as baptism. Just like we must eat literal bread to live, so we must partake of the communion emblems to maintain spiritual life.

True Medical Missionary (0718) 12-24-1954
Everyone is called to follow Jesus, the true Medical Missionary, in sacrificial service to “reach the people where ever they are,” thus revealing God’s love. When this service becomes mercenary and loses sacrifice, it is no longer medical missionary work.

Trust God (0171) 4-12-1974
In order to trust God we must listen to what He says and believe it then cease listening to what the Devil says. If we persist in listening to the Devil we will always end up doubting God.

Trust in Divine Power (1357) 8-1-1980

Trust in the Lord (1599) 11-14-1975
Trust is not a substitute for works, rather it inspires action – action that will not run when it meets problems.

Trusting God (0685) 1-24-1964

Two Dangers Download (0317) 7-16-1976
Avoid the possibility of missing a message because of faults in the messenger or, on the other hand, being deceived by a representative of Satan masquerading as a messenger of the Lord.

Two Gifts From Eden (0151) 11-20-1976
In the beginning, Jesus gave us two gifts to remind us of His love for us. As He fellowships with us in our homes and as we worship with Him on the Sabbath, His love is revealed to us. These gifts are waiting for us to receive.

Two Natures (1163) 4-19-1957
The Christian has two natures. We must keep the old man in subjection to the new man.

Two Paradoxes (0280) 7-26-1974
How can it be that at the time God is perfecting His people, they are afflicting their souls? The answer is: The closer we get to Jesus, the more imperfect we look to ourselves.

Two Sons (0965) 9-30-1966
The two sons in the parable in Matthew 21 both made mistakes: the one lied about his commitment, and the other was defiant. Thankfully, the defiant one repented. But how much better it would have been if he had cooperated from the beginning. We can learn lessons of commitment and honesty from this parable.

Two Sons of Abraham (1104) 10-15-1954

Two Things To Give Up (0411) 9-15-1972
There is no more hope for our salvation through our righteousness than through our sins. We need to give up both.

Two Ways (0816) 12-5-1980
There is a broad way of selfishness and the narrow way of God’s Holy law of truth. The devil wants us to believe that the broad way is the happy and easy way. But it is God’s law that brings happiness.

Two Ways to Be Unhappy (0842) 7-1-1960
Elder Frazee brings out profound points on the commandment “Thou shalt not covet.” The person who covets what belongs to someone else will be miserable, and the person who actually gets what he
wrongfully covets will also be miserable. The purpose of God’s law is to make us truly happy.

Two Worshipers (0314) 1-28-1978
The people that receive the greatest blessings are those that have the greatest need and think themselves unworthy.

Unbelief – Choice (1153) 12-5-1958

Unchangeable God (0143) 2-23-1979

Unfolding Prophecies – Catholicism (1100) 9-4-1964

Unforgiving Means Unforgiven (0837) 4-29-1960
The “how” and “why” in forgiving others.

Unity (0683) 9-20-1963

Unity (0707) 5-15-1964
Principles on how to have unity in the church

Unmovable (0173) 3-31-1978
God is seeking to get us ready for the time when everything that can be shaken will be shaken. So, in mercy and care, He lets us have some tests ahead of time.

Unto Us A Child is Born (0026) 12-9-1977
The limited capacity of man cannot define the mystery of the blending of the divine with the human nature. Man must wonder and be silent – he may kneel and adore in simple faith.

Upon This Rock #1-5 (0602-0606) Dates N/A

Ups and Downs of the Christian Experience (0829) 9-6-1957
Victory over sin is the experience that comes to the trusting Christian.

Use What You Have (0920) 6-16-1961
When we use what we have, the Lord will make up the lack.

Waiting For Him (0099) 1-9-1976
Like Israel, we are waiting while our High Priest is in the Most Holy Place blotting out the sins of His people. Jesus is waiting until we experience a deep enough sorrow and repentance for sin that we will quit the sin and bring an end to His pain.

Waldenses (1160) 2-20-1959
The history of the Waldensians and our need of raising our children similarly

Walking With God (0845) 12-2-1960
Enoch walked with God and was one out of only two that have ever been translated without seeing death.  God will have an entire generation who will be translated who have never seen death.  All from this generation will have learned how to walk with God.  We walk with God by putting one foot in front of the other and repeating that process.  One of the spiritual feet in our walk with God is surrender; the other is faith and assurance of salvation.  We must have both; just using one will cause us to hop around but never really go anywhere with God.

Walking With Him In The Woods (0304) 3-18-1977
We work with Him through the week. For an additional blessing, try walking with Him through the woods on Sabbath.

Watching Heaven’s Telecast (0124) 7-4-1975
The Heavenly Astronaut has made a trip far beyond the moon, and through prophetic visions it is our privilege to have a clear view of what is happening in Heaven right now, and to become involved in it.

Water, Blood, and Fire (0083) 6-15-1968
A Bible study on the work of cleansing by water, blood, and fire in the court of the sanctuary

Way of Health (0974) 8-19-1966

We Are Ambassadors for Christ (0984) 1-5-1968
The power of the will is the key to overcome. By beholding Christ, our will is strengthened to do what is right.

We Are One Body – Communion Service (0630) 7-13-1968

Weed Your Garden (1592) 5-6-1966
Explains the importance and method of getting sin out of our lives

What About Research? (0358) 7-26-1977
The world conducts a research of averages to try to figure out the best way of doing things. God has given His church a blueprint of how He wants His institutions to be managed. We are to follow the blueprint of God even if it is contrary to all the “light” of the worldly researches.

What About Stress? (0952) 7-2-1965
Elder Frazee brings out spiritual and practical lessons from physical exercise. He shows from these lessons how we are to exercise our faith.

What Do We Mean “Blueprint?” (0574) 12-11-1957
A challenge for us all to follow the divinely-inspired blueprint in the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy, especially as they relate to the things that we are reluctant to accept whole-heartedly (like the reforms). These offer not just good advice but essential principles for us to follow.

What Do You Really Want? (0413) 8-2-1974
If you think that you really want God’s will and way more than your own, the self-supporting work is a good way to test your heart if that is what you truly want.

What Does It Mean To Be Ready? (0586) 1-23-1970
To live with yourself and to live with others and their problems is a requisite for being ready.

What Faith Is Not (1139) 3-23-1979

What God Hath Joined Together (0589) 6-5-1970
God united Medical and evangelistic work, conference and self-supporting work, city and rural work, etc. Let us not separate them.

What is a Sanitarium? (0917) 11-15-1963
A sanitarium is not first and foremost to be like a hospital. It is a place of physical healing but also lifestyle education and spiritual restoration. In the close of the sermon, Elder Frazee gives an appeal for money, prayers and helpers to help build Wildwood’s second sanitarium

What is in Your Hand? (0396) 2-25-1972
Use what you have – a shepherd’s stick, a sling, five barley loaves, or a pitcher. Make it your first job to take care of God’s work.

What is Medical Evangelism? #1,2 (0571, 0572) December 1975

What is Righteousness by Faith? (0156) Date N/A

What is the Church? (1066) 7-21-1961

What is Your Request? (0981) 9-2-1966
In the end, everyone will get what they want – their way or Christ’s way. Which way do you want? You will get whatever one you choose.

What Saves Us? (0179) 8-4-1978
Titus 2:11 tells us that the grace of God brings salvation, but behind that is His infinite love for us.

What the Sabbath Offers (1118) 2-9-1956
There are three aspects of the Sabbath in this message: what the Sabbath teaches, what the Sabbath requires, and what the Sabbath offers.  There are many things that the Sabbath teaches — the health message, state of man, the sovereignty of God and more.  The Sabbath requires rest and work, and it offers rest of body and soul.

What to Do With Rebellious Feelings (0723) Date N/A

What We Are Trying To Do (0674) 5-17-1963
What is the purpose of Wildwood? This message explores the reason that Wildwood is located where it is, the reasons for its practices and it implications to current workers

What You Mean to God (0402) 8-25-1970
The theme of God’s desire for our fellowship summed up in one short thirty-minute study

Where Are You Looking? (0945) 9-27-1963
“Oh, what a privilege we have in looking unto Jesus. I am so glad that the Lord made us with flexible necks. I am glad that He arranged that we could change the direction of looking. We can look back. We can look around. We can look in. But thank God, we can look up. Every soul can look up. And it is almost trite to say it, but what we see is entirely dependent upon where we look.”

Where I Am (0877) 12-15-1962
The great longing of Christ is that we will be with Him where He is.  That is what Christ prayed for in Gethsemane, just after the resurrection, at His ascension, during His intercession in the sanctuary now, and during the Time of Jacob’s Trouble.

Where Is He Now? #1-6 (0012-0017) September & October 1976
Six-tape series on the sanctuary: where Jesus is, and what He is doing now

Where Jesus Wants You (0359) 11-15-1977
Who knows where Jesus wants you to be? Even Samuel with all his prophetic insights and years of experience in teaching true education did not know on his own that David was the one son from Jesse that God had chosen to be king. So, it should not surprise us then if we wonder sometimes where God is leading us, and that even people that we look up to can be wrong about what we are to do for God. The Lord Himself will reveal the exact place where He wants you to be. When you find that place, it is like finding the pearl of great price.

Which Cup? (1008) 10-4-1966
Both God and the devil offer us a cup. One is the cup of salvation and truth, the other the cup of the wine of Babylon which is error and fiction. Which cup will you take?

Which is the True Church? (1638) Date N/A
Compare those who profess to be the church of God by the standard God has set up. Those who keep the Commandments of God and have the Testimony of Jesus constitute the true church.

Which Way Are You Headed? (0591) 1-29-1971
The question is not where you are, but which way are you going? Are you less like the world than you were a year ago?

Whispered Secrets (0814) 8-8-1980
The Holy Spirit wants to whisper this secret into our ears – that the way to happiness is in fellowship with Christ by loving others, bearing with their faults, and ministering to their needs.

Who is a Wise Man? (0030) 6-8-1979
A wise man is a humble man that does not find his value in his abilities or possessions but in his Lord. A wise man will know how to live with peaceably with others because he has learned how to live with himself.

Who is an Educated Man? (1501) 2-28-1964

Who is Your Enemy? (0356) 12-14-1976
The devil and his demons are our enemies, not our brothers and sisters. All that others may do to us, God will overrule for our good.

Whole Treasure of Heaven (0909) 2-2-1962
When God gave His Son to save us, He not only gave the best He had, He gave all He had. Why should we ever doubt God’s love or His care for us when He has already given us everything?

Why 1844? (0301) 10-21-1977
This movement is based upon the fulfilling of a mathematical prophecy. God sought, through the sanctuary service, to reveal to us the cost of eradicating sin from the universe so God and His people can be reunited. He gives us time to make up our minds.

Why Are We Here? (1364) 1-17-1959
God wants educational institutions to prepare gospel medical missionaries to “make ready a people prepared for the Lord.”

Why Concealed? (1140) 5-11-1979
It is just as much a part of God’s guidance to conceal certain things as it is to reveal others.

Why Dress Distinctions? (0481) 2-18-1974
Not our own opinion nor the opinion of others, but the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy should be our guide in answering this question.

Why Medical Missionaries? 1-2 (0504, 0505) September 1969
This short series explores what are medical missionaries and why do we have them.

Why Men Fail Us (0732) 10-17-1959
The purpose God has in allowing men to fail us

Why Sin Brings Suffering (1639) 5-28-1971
Sin cuts us loose from the life of God. This separation brings suffering to both God and man.

Why The Church Must Triumph (1067) 9-15-1961
God will have an organized church that fully and completely reveals His character of love. Satan’s strategy in heaven was to teach independence from God and independence from His delegated authority. He works today to teach that we are not answerable to the church. In this timely sermon, Elder Frazee clearly shows how God deals with us, not only directly but through the authority of His visible church on earth.

Why Trials? (0279) 9-6-1974
Trials, tests, temptations, problems, even joy and prosperity are many of life’s laboratory courses. Why do we have them? To prepare us for the shaking.

Wildwood Story (1587) Date N/A
Listen to the thrilling story of how Wildwood began and how the Lord has led and directed through the years.

Wildwood Story – 1953 #1,2 (1032, 1033) January 1953
Recounts the history of God’s providence in establishing Wildwood.

Will Power Instead of Pill Power (0983) 1-19-1968

Will The Hostages Come Home? (1086) 12-26-1980
Using an at the time current tragic occurrence as an illustration, Elder Frazee draws lessons how to free the hostages that are held in sin.

Wilt Thou Be Made Whole? (0679) 1-11-1963

Winds – Waves – Anchor (0648) 10-30-1959

Wine of Babylon (0091) 7-1-1965
God is the God of truth, life-giving truth. How strange that anyone would turn to a fermented perversion in which the truth of God is changed into a lie.

Winning Souls #1,2 Download (1129, 1130) September 1973
God has a plan for getting everyone to know about Him and that plan includes us. He organized His church for the purpose of going everywhere and telling others of the love He has revealed to us and sharing the life he has shared with us.

Wisdom (0183) 10-20-1978
Just as it takes six letters to spell “wisdom” and no one letter is more important than the others, so God has set up a wise plan for how His church is to operate. There are to be a few highly-trained individuals (ordained ministers, licensed physicians, etc.) to lead out in the work, but many others are needed who have no license. Those who have licenses are not to feel superior to those who have none, and those who have none are not to feel distrustful or disrespectful of those who do. It takes the whole program that God has given us of the licensed and unlicensed working together to experience the wisdom of God’s plan for His church.

Wisdom and Power of God (1026) 9-2-1967
God not only gives the wisdom to know what we should do, but He also gives us the power to do it. We get that power when we say “I will” instead of “I’ll try.”

With Him (0369) 5-24-1976
Those who will be companions of the Lamb throughout eternity, have first learned to follow Him here on Earth. We meet Him at the cross where we watch, not as a spectator, but involved, choosing to die with Him.

With Jesus at Christmas (0160) 12-18-1976
Was it an accident Jesus was born in a stable? What does the place of His birth tell us about Him? God works in unexpected ways. Will you have Jesus as your guest at Christmas time?

Within Our Reach (0355) 6-15-1976
The prayer of Christ for His church that they may be one is a promise within our reach. It may seem to be impossible at times, but we are promised that it is within our reach.

Without and All (0613) 10-17-1969
God is looking for medical missionary evangelists who will go without many of the things of this world that they may gain “all.”

Witnessing (0724) 5-28-1965

Witnessing – Wildwood (1375) 4-8-1967

Wonderful Counselor (0320) 12-16-1977
Christ is born in our hearts and the mystery of Godliness is experienced as the divine nature is partaken of by the human nature. However, the creature never becomes the Creator. Heaven is a ceaseless approaching unto God through Christ.

Wonderful Name (0483) 11-22-1974
The name of Jesus has power; it is wonderful. Jesus came to reveal the character of God’s love.

Word of God in Education (1045) Date N/A
The Bible should be the text book for the little child and through all education.

Word Which Is Able to Save (0312) 1-20-1978
The Word must be mixed with faith by reading and believing believing it enough to act upon it. Thus we receive all the power we need to be saved.

Work of Holy Spirit in Reforms (0848) Date N/A

Work of Prayer (1640) 11-17-1961

Work of Saving Souls (1010) 1-6-1967

Working of Miracles (0789) 5-6-1983
What we think a miracle is depends on which way we look at things. Every day, God is working miracles: causing seeds to grow, babies to be conceived in the womb, and lives to be changed. The things that we generally call “miracles,” though, are those things that are out of the ordinary, that are outside of observed scientific law. The first kind of miracle is less exciting but just as necessary as the second. As a matter of fact, it is recognizing the first kind of miracles that prepares us to experience the second.

Working With Angels (0357) 3-8-1977
In all we do, we are to cooperate with God. If we do this, He promises that His angels will work with us, not only in spiritual things but in the day-to-day practical things like cleaning the house, working in the garden, and any other sanctified duty. This thought, that angels work with us in the practical daily duties and add divine blessing to our efforts, will make our work joyful and successful.

Worship in Heaven (0972) 3-5-1966

Worship in Sanctuary (1339) 5-6-1967

Worship The Creator (0550) 7-17-1963
Explains the harmony we must have with what God has created in order to rightly worship Him.

Worship the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness (0971) 2-26-1966

Worshiping Him (0961) 1966

Wounds of a Friend (0049) 6-29-1979
We live in a day and age that despises reproof. Yet, that is just the then that we need in our Christian experience. How much better that we accept and even invite the reproofs of our friends than that we wait to let our enemies points out our mistakes with vehemence.

Writing the Law in the Heart (0559) 8-3-1964

WDF Funeral

WDF Memorial Service (“Being Dead Yet Speaketh”) Download
Several testimonies from those who knew Elder Frazee and a short biography of his life and work. Elder Mark Finley preaches for the service about his memories of Elder Frazee and the hope of the resurrection.

Ye Are the Light of the World (1342) 5-22-1965

Yom-Kippur (0278) 9-20-1974
What does the Day of Atonement mean to you? The ransom has been paid. Are you responding so there can be a reunion?

Your Own Way (0169) Date N/A
By rebellion, by pretended loyalty, by doing the right things for the wrong reasons, we turn to our own way. We must deny self and take up the cross.

Your Place in God’s Program #1, 2 (0075, 0076) March 1979
Understanding the balance of knowing and expressing your own convictions despite external pressures and yet learning to yield, co-operate, and unify with others without compromising individuality.

W.D. Frazee Sermons
PO Box 129
Wildwood, GA 30757
Phone: 706-820-9755 / 1800-WDF-1840

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