WD Frazee Logo

As a youth seeking for present truth and freedom from extremes, I read Elder Frazee’s book Ransom and Reunion.

I have been “hooked” ever since!

I consider it to be one of the greatest privileges in my life to be a part of this powerful and balanced ministry.

The following are my personal studies and compilations from the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy on various topics that were inspired by the works of Elder Frazee.

Daniel 11, A Hellenistic Chapter

Parallels of Jesus and The 144,000

Parallels Between the Plagues on Egypt

Eternity Chart

Cycle of Life Chart

Like Father Like Son

What Will Bring About the National Sunday Law, abridged

Order of Last Day Events

The End of the Feast Days

The Bottom Line Compilation

Should Adventists Vote?

Jesse and Kristen’s Testimony

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