
Counsels to Adventist Institutions

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Did you know that Ellen White uses the word “business” more than the words “justification,” “sanctification” and the phrase “righteousness by faith” combined? Too many have gone to the world to learn how to do the business side of ministry. This compilation is designed to let Adventist-business-lay people and Adventist-institutional leaders know what inspiration says about business and how God wants it to be done.

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The Story Behind This Book:

Several years ago, I started a volunteer job in a ministry. The job involved various tasks. Quite a few of these tasks involved business. There are Spirit of Prophecy compilations on many topics, such as Child Guidance, Counsels on Diet and Foods, Colporteur Ministry, Counsels to Writers and Editors, etc. I searched through the compilations to try to find something that would help me understand God’s counsels on how Adventists should conduct their business for His institutions. I was amazed that no such compilation existed. So I decided to go ahead and compile my own.

This compilation is the result of 10 years of researching the Spirit of Prophecy in the attempt to find as much counsel about Adventist business and institutions as I could. Originally, I just made this compilation for my own benefit—so that I could make better decisions in my ministry based on inspired instructions. However, as I had friends and acquaintances who were pioneering institutions of their own, I could see how this wealth of inspired counsel could be a blessing to others. After sharing the raw transcripts with several people, they encouraged me to turn my transcripts into a book. This compilation on this page is the result.

Jesse Ravencroft, editor


Additional information

Weight 23.1 oz
Dimensions 7.5 × 0.8 × 9.2 in

About The Author

"God wants you as His friend." - Elder W.D. Frazee

W.D. Frazee (1906-1996) was an American evangelist, author, and Seventh-Day Adventist minister. He founded the Wildwood Medical Missionary Institute in Georgia in 1942, now Wildwood Lifestyle Center and Hospital. Frazee’s influential sermons and publications impacted countless lives.

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Customers visiting the W.D. Frazee website consistently praise the powerful impact of the books and audio sermons, expressing gratitude for the spiritual growth and wisdom they’ve gained from these resources. The heartfelt reviews reflect a deep appreciation for the timeless, biblical truths shared by Elder W.D. Frazee, and the positive influence they’ve had on countless lives.