The following are some of my favorite tools for massage and fitness. If you use the links provided on this page, I will get a small percentage of the sale at no extra cost to you.
You can use analgesics like this to help with your sore and achy muscles when I am not around. I have used many different brands through the years, and this one by far is my favorite. With all-natural ingredients, cryoderm soothes sore spots. The price is also far more reasonable than most other topical pain-releivers:
This is the foam roller that I use. It is simple but does everything that you need and the price is excellent:
These therabands are excellent for specific stretches and exercises for precise muscles that are hard to work with otherwise:
Some of the stretches that I highly recommend that you do are made much easier with this rope. This stretch rope really helps to accurately stretch the short head of the biceps femoris and the quads (both common problem areas).
I highly encourage my clients to use a foam roller. However, I also highly encourage you not to foam roll the IT band which is on the outside of your thigh. Instead, I recommend that you use these cups to help suction the tissue away from the thigh bone. The tissue there likes to stick together and that causes problems in your hips and knees. These cups also have many other great uses but the aforementioned is my favorite:
Many of my clients and students have asked me if there is a massage table that I recommend. As I tell them, it depends on what you are looking for. Here is the main massage table that I currently use. It is quite comfortable for clients and the frame is sturdy. However, it is big, heavy, and bulky to carry around:
I currently have two tables. The one above I use for my mobile clients. This other one I use in my home office in Plummer. This is not as comfortable as the above table, but the price perhaps the best that you will find for the value. It is also lighter and easier to carry around: