
To My Dear Friends: The Autobiography of W. D. Frazee

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Many of the great leaders in the Adventist church today have been inspired by the books and messages of Elder W. D. Frazee. His sermons and books continue to inspire, challenge and motivate thousands across the world today to follow Christ with their whole heart. His life story has only been told in bits and pieces… until now. After years of research and hard work, the editor team at W. D. Frazee Sermons has been able to collect snippets of life stories and glimpses into his personal life from Elder Frazee himself. These snippets have been compiled into the story format in this book. It is our prayer that these may be an inspiration to many more to live lives dedicated to Christ and His service.


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Dimensions 9 × 6 × 0.32 in

About The Author

"God wants you as His friend." - Elder W.D. Frazee

W.D. Frazee (1906-1996) was an American evangelist, author, and Seventh-Day Adventist minister. He founded the Wildwood Medical Missionary Institute in Georgia in 1942, now Wildwood Lifestyle Center and Hospital. Frazee’s influential sermons and publications impacted countless lives.

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Customers visiting the W.D. Frazee website consistently praise the powerful impact of the books and audio sermons, expressing gratitude for the spiritual growth and wisdom they’ve gained from these resources. The heartfelt reviews reflect a deep appreciation for the timeless, biblical truths shared by Elder W.D. Frazee, and the positive influence they’ve had on countless lives.